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Microsoft Sees Decrease in Xbox Hardware Sales, Raises Questions about Console’s Future

Microsoft Reports Decrease in Xbox Hardware Sales: Analysis Suggests a Decline in Sales Rate

Microsoft Reports Decrease in Xbox Hardware Sales: Analysis Suggests a Decline in Sales Rate

Scale is important, especially when talking about relative console sales.

Console Sales Decline

Yesterday, Microsoft announced that it made 31 percent less from Xbox hardware sales in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the previous year, primarily due to a decrease in the volume of consoles sold. This decline follows a 30 percent drop in Xbox hardware revenue for the same quarter in 2023. These figures indicate a struggle for Microsoft to grow its player base, especially during a period that typically sees strong sales.

Challenges in Comparing Sales

Comparing Xbox sales with those of Nintendo and Sony is not a straightforward task. Microsoft reports its Xbox sales numbers in terms of quarterly changes in total console hardware revenue, while Nintendo and Sony provide quarterly unit sales numbers. This discrepancy makes it difficult to analyze the Xbox’s sales performance in a broader context.

Exploring Contextual Analysis

Significant declines in Xbox hardware revenue for four of the last five quarters stand out relative to competitors' unit sales.
Significant declines in Xbox hardware revenue for four of the last five quarters stand out relative to competitors’ unit sales.

In an effort to gain some contextual insight, we compared unit sales numbers of recent successful Sony and Nintendo consoles with percentage changes in Xbox hardware revenue on a year-over-year basis, aligning with the launch dates of each console. Recognizing that unit sales do not directly correlate with total hardware revenue and factors such as inflation, Xbox One hardware sales, and price discounts influence revenue, this analysis highlights a clear trend in Xbox hardware sales. Over the past five quarters, Xbox hardware revenue has declined compared to competitors’ unit sales.

Concerning Sales Performance

Falling like dominoes.
Falling like dominoes.

These numbers suggest that the sales rate for Xbox Series S/X consoles may have already peaked in the past year or two. This decline appears noticeably early compared to previous generations of consoles. Typically, sales peak for PlayStation consoles in the fourth or fifth year of their lifecycle, while Nintendo portables show a similar trend. By contrast, the Xbox Series S/X seems to be following a sales progression similar to the ill-fated Wii U, which faced a “death spiral” during this phase of its commercial life.

Diversification of Microsoft’s Gaming Business

Despite the decline in Xbox hardware sales, Microsoft’s overall gaming business has managed to thrive, largely contributed to by factors beyond console sales. In the latest report, Microsoft’s total gaming revenue has increased by 51 percent. This growth is partly attributed to the “net impact from the Activision Blizzard acquisition,” showcasing the resilience of the gaming giant. Before the merger, Microsoft’s gaming revenue was already boosted by the success of Game Pass and strong software content sales across PC and other platforms.

Owning Call of Duty means being one of the biggest PS5 game publishers almost by definition.
Owning Call of Duty means being one of the biggest PS5 game publishers almost by definition.

Microsoft’s approach towards expanding gaming platforms is evident, with an increasing number of former Xbox console exclusives being made available on other platforms. Following the Activision/Blizzard merger, Microsoft has emerged as a major publisher, even surpassing Sony in terms of top-sellers on the PS5. Additionally, Microsoft’s success in the PC gaming market, selling millions of games and their PC Game Pass subscription business, further solidifies the company’s position in the gaming industry.

Looking Ahead

While the future of Xbox hardware sales may seem uncertain, and even if Xbox hardware revenue were to decline entirely, Microsoft’s overall gaming business remains on a strong footing. The company’s strategic focus on diversifying platforms, strong software content sales, and the recent acquisition of leading gaming companies have positioned Microsoft as a major player in the industry.

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