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Microsoft Launches Developer Acceleration Program to Support Game Development on Xbox and Windows Platform

Microsoft recently announced the launch of its Developer Acceleration Program, designed to help developers create high-quality games on the Xbox and Windows platform. The announcement was made during this year’s Game Developers Conference (GDC) and aims to provide developers with the tools and support they need to create exceptional gaming experiences.

The Developer Acceleration program is aimed at independent developers, small game companies, and established game studios. It offers a wide range of resources and support to help developers take their games to the next level. Some of these resources include advanced development tools, technical support, orientation sessions, and early access to new technologies.

Developer Acceleration Program, a window for the development of new niches and genres.

The idea behind the program is to help developers overcome barriers they may be facing when creating games. From funding to technology, the Developer Accelerator Program focuses on providing the support necessary to create innovative and engaging games that players enjoy.

In a video posted by Microsoft on its YouTube channel, it is told how some of the developers who have participated in the program have seen benefits by joining the developer acceleration program. One of them, indie game developer Dima Veryovkatalks about how the program helped him develop his game faster and with higher quality.

In addition, the program also provides developers early access to tools and technologies being developed by Microsoft. This means that developers can work with the latest technologies and tools to create innovative games that take full advantage of the Xbox and Windows platform.

In short, Microsoft’s Developer Acceleration Program is an exciting initiative that will help game developers create exceptional gaming experiences. By providing resources and support, Microsoft is helping developers overcome barriers they may be facing and create innovative and engaging games for gamers. It’s a huge step forward for the game development community, and an important step forward for the Xbox and Windows platform.

Fuente: Microsoft.com

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