Thursday 12-01-2023, 11:41 WIB
Tri Broto|
Tri Broto
Microsoft will kill Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 on January 10, 2023.-microsoft-
JAKARTA, DISWAY.ID– Microsoft officially ending Windows 8.1 as operating system or OS on January 10, 2023.
This OS deprecation means that Windows 8.1 will no longer be able to get technical assistance and software updates and security guarantees.
The ending Windows OS 8.1 coincides with the cessation of feature updates and security guarantees Windows 7.
Previously, Microsoft discontinued Windows 7 in January 2020, but still provided feature updates and a security guarantee for three years or finished in 2023 for an additional fee.
Windows 7 is still quite popular more than 10 years since its introduction. Many Windows 7 users don’t want to replace their existing operating system with a new version, such as Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
While discontinuing Windows 8.1 without being followed by paid feature and security update services.
If users are still sticking with Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, it is very likely that they will be easily hacked by viruses or malware thereby endangering business or important documents stored on computer devices.
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Currently, Microsoft recommends that Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users immediately switch to a newer OS, such as Windows 10 or Windows 11. Microsoft does not offer an Extended Security Update (ESU) program for Windows 8.1.
Remaining on Windows 8.1 after January 10, 2023 may increase an organization’s security risks or affect its ability to meet compliance obligations.
Microsoft notes, Windows 7 users around the world are no more than 10%, while Windows 8.1 users are far less. Reported from GSMarena.commost likely that’s what made Microsoft end the use of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 and not extend security support.
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Another risk for Microsoft’s decision is that users are forced to replace computer devices that are more capable in order to operate Windows 10 or Windows 11.