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Microsoft Introduces AI-powered Generative Deletion Feature in Windows Photos for Windows 10 and Windows 11

AI is practically manifested in graphics tools for Windows, and another useful novelty is added. In addition, it will also reach the Tens. Let’s start by introducing the retouching feature in the app Photo. Microsoft named it as generative deletion. As the name suggests, you mark an object in the photo, the AI ​​will remove it and mask the hit.

So it does not leave a hole in the image, instead of a deleted object it will complement the adequate texture so that the modification is not recognizable. If you remove the power line wires with only the sky behind them, Photos will generate the sky instead of the wires. Removing distracting elements from photos is quite widespread. Even photos of him before they offeredthen removed it for a while, later brought it back and now thanks to AI they are significantly improving it.

Microsoft claims that the results are convincing not only on details in the background, but also when using the tool on larger surfaces. You choose brush size, you mark the area a you wait for the AI ​​to handle the retouching. You can also turn off automatics and add masks, which are areas with objects to delete. This way you will hit more areas at once.

Note the clue and the people in the background on the beach

The function is offered by Photos from version 2024.11020.21001.0. Microsoft generative deletion gradually deployed in all insider channels, may not be available to everyone right away. The second big news is related to this. AI functions in the Photos tool have so far only been available in Windows 11, with the exception of variants for ARM processors.

All generative functions are now available i in Windows 11 for computers with ARM processorsbut primarily Microsoft AI functions makes it available in Windows 10.

The clue is gone as are the people in the background

This is a really big deal, because Tens are still used by significantly more people than Elevens. So you can also touch the new Photos in Windows 10 in the Release Preview channel. In the near future, testing will end and then the new version will be made available to everyone, even outside the test circuits.

Photos have learned in recent months to remove the background on the foreground object in the image. It also blurs the background, or fills the space with the selected color. These AI functions are also heading to the Tens.

Resources: Windows Insider Blog

2024-02-24 07:45:25
#erases #objects #images #Photos #app #brings #features #Windows

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