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Microsoft announced a revolutionary update ChatGPT: the main “chips”

Software giant Microsoft, together with OpenAI, announced the imminent presentation of a major update to GPT-4, which should revolutionize the way ChatGPT works. At the moment, the same ChatGPT uses GPT-3.5.

The improved chatbot is expected to not only generate faster responses, which many users of the current version would like, but also learn to process multiple data sources, such as text, audio, or images, to refine results. About it informs Heise tech site.

In addition, the new version of ChatGPT will be able to understand a voice request and return the result in the form of text or an image. Please note that currently the AI ​​assistant can only respond in text form.

The presentation of the improved neural network is scheduled for March 16, 2023.

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