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Micro full moon January 7, 2023: explanation and time of occurrence


Phenomenon Micro full moon will occur on January 7, 2023. Aside from January 7, the micro full moon will return on February 6, 2023.

So what is meant by Micro Full Moon? How does this natural phenomenon occur? Here is an overview of the Micro Full Moon event.

Reported by LAPAN’s Antarctic Science Education website, the Micro Full Moon is a full moon phase that coincides with Apogee. The apogee is the position where the moon is furthest from the earth.

In a year, there are 0-3 micro full moons of which only 0-1 full moons are truly micro full moons. The term Micro Full Moon is also called Micro Full Moon.

The micro full moon phenomenon will occur on January 7, 2023. Apart from January 7, the micro full moon will return on February 6, 2023. (Photo: Muhammad Ridho)

The process of the occurrence of the micro full moon

According to Fred Espenak of NASA, the relative distance of the full moon is 90% greater than the distance of the moon at apogee because the time of the astronomical full moon is not too far from apogee. Thus, the difference in the time of occurrence of an astronomical full moon should be no more than 81 hours from Apog.

When is the full micromoon?

Quoted from the LAPAN RI Instagram account @lapan_ri, the Micro Full Moon phenomenon in 2023 will occur twice. Here are the timetable details.

  • January 7, 2023 at 06.08 WIB / 07.08 WITA / 08.08 WIT (34.2 hours before apogee) at a distance of 405.789 Km
  • 6 February 2023 at 01.29 WIB / 02.29 WITA / 03.29 WIT (33.6 hours after apogee) at a distance of 405.830 Km.

Learn about the term Wolf Moon

What is Lupo Luna? Reported by LAPAN’s Antarctic Science Education website, Wolf Moon is the name of the full moon phenomenon in January. This appellation refers to a pack of wolves howling hungry outside the village.

The name Wolf Moon also refers to the full moon that occurred after Yule/Saturnalia or winter solstice, so Native Americans stayed home.

Another name for the wolf moon is:

  • The Moon After Yule/Saturnalia (Moon After Yule)
  • Old Moon (Old Moon)
  • Bulan Es (Ice Moon)
  • Acute Moon (Severe Moon)
  • Bulan Berdiam (Stay at Home/Quiet Moon).

That’s all Micro full moon January 7, 2023. Hope this helps!

See also the video “A series of atmospheric dynamics affecting the Republic of Indonesia”:

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