Michelin Spain/Portugal (MEPSA) is negotiating the collective agreement that affects some 7,500 workers at the factories in Valladolid, Aranda de Duero, Vitoria, Lasarte and Almería.
The social part of the negotiating table, made up of thirteen members, is made up of the unions CCOO (4)-CSIF (3) –UGT (2) –CGT (1) –ESK (1) –ELA (1) –USO ( 1).
On May 25, after six meetings, the company presented an offer that it indicated as the last and definitive one for an agreement to be valid for the years 2023-2026, far removed from the platform agreed upon by all the union sections present at the table. since said offer does not include the recovery of the purchasing power lost in recent years, salary guarantee, reductions in working hours, improvements in conciliation, improvements for workers linked to night/shift work, etc.
CGT have presented before the social part of the negotiation table of the agreement, constituted by the unions CCOO-UGT-CSIF-USO-ELA-ESK-CGT a minimum platform, in order to maintain unity and pressure the company to resume the negotiation, to which the majority of union sections have refused, avoiding a pronouncement and postponing any type of meeting before holding their assemblies and taking a position on the latest proposal of the company.
It is perceived that the unity of action that existed until now of all the unions has been broken and the CGT in Valladolid, Aranda de Duero and Vitoria have decided to call strikes as the first measure of pressure to try to resume negotiations with the company. On the other hand, in Vitoria and Lasarte the ELA-LAB-ESK unions have called strikes.
The Strikes called by CGT at Michelin Valladolid will take place during the following days:
June 5 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on June 6, affecting teams on shift B and CJune 9 from 06:00 a.m. to 06:00 a.m. on June 10, affecting the staff on split shift and the teams on shift A, B and C.In order to try to curb the flexibility to which the workers linked to the variable systems are exposed and make calendars exempt from flexibility, and thus avoid the recovery of production not carried out during the first days of the strike, CGT has also decided to call strikes throughout the rest of the year during the so-called days of possible work, known as P’s, something that CGT at Michelin Vitoria have been calling for eight years.
#Strike #Michelin #agreement #workers #CGT #Confederal