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Michèle Bernier’s interview with Nikos Aliagas: “I owe a lot to my parents”

This woman is radiant: we would all like to have her as a friend or neighbor. Generous in life and on stage, the actress stars in Laurent Ruquier’s play I prefer that we are together alongside Olivier Sitruk. We found her, in the backstage of the Théâtre des Variétés in Paris, a few minutes before she entered the scene: relaxed and fun. Meeting with a timeless. – By Nikos Aliagas

THE FIRST ACTION BEFORE LEAVING? I take at least three cups of coffee and watch at the same time Telematinawith Thomas Sotto and Julia Vignali and a series on my iPad.

THE FIRST SMS SENT THIS MORNING? To Mimie Mathy because she’s coming to see my show tonight.

WHERE DO YOU DREAM TO GO, TO LIVE? Paris, my city. I like its light, its atmosphere. I like it a little dirty, even a little classy. Its paradoxes are also its beauty.

YOUR HEROES IN REAL LIFE? My parents, I owe him a lot.

YOUR FANTASY HEROES? Julien Clerc! I slept for a while with a poster above my bed showing it. (Laughs). Inevitably, it became a fiction. Otherwise Thierry La Fronde, Belle and Sébastien …

THE WORD THAT HAS BECOME ESSENTIAL FOR YOU? Yet ! Still life, still there, still work, still family …


THE SOUND, THE NOISE YOU HAVE (RE) DISCOVERED? I’ve always liked the noise, the noise of the city. Coming out of the confinement, I was in the Meuse, I went to Verdun alone by car, only to hear the noise of a city, shops, passers-by, cars … I had the impression of being in Manhattan! Life thing.

WHAT HAVE YOU DISCOVERED ABOUT YOURSELF? We may have been doing this for a long time, but we have the curious impression of being in constant danger. When confinement was introduced, I told myself it was also the end of my professional life. And I said to myself: “Do everything so that it doesn’t stop. “

THE DEFECTS THAT INSPIRE YOU THE MOST INDUSTRIAL? Lies by omission. I am not very resentful.

THE GIFT OF NATURE I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE? All ! (Laughs.) I would have liked to do things with my hands, I’m very clumsy.

THE UNVIEWABLE LITTLE SECRET? When I like a book, I want to be the first to buy it at the bookstore (laughs).

YOUR CURRENCY? “You’ll see … you’ll see …”, as Nougaro sings, or: “We are as sad as we seem happy”.


THE PHRASE YOU WOULD NEVER IMAGINE YOU TO LISTEN? In English, the director of the film Harry Potter he said, after my casting to be one of the teachers: “Check dates with Michèle. But the production preferred an English actress (laughs).

WHO SEES IN THE MIRROR? Getting older makes you feel a little sad from time to time. But I try to be indulgent with myself.

BEHIND THE MASK THERE IS … Perhaps a more melancholy person than people imagine.

IN YOUR “LITTLE WORLD”, THERE IS … My family, my children, my grandchildren. My headlights, my supports. There are also my friends.

THE WORLD WILL BE AFTER … I hope for a long time! (Laughs.)

You can find this article in the Gala N ° 1534 on newsstands from Thursday 3 November 2022.

Photo credits: Christophe Clovis / Bestimage

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