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Michèle Bernier, “happy grandmother” and fulfilled with her grandchildren

At 64, Michèle Bernier is a fulfilled grandmother and finds her happiness with her grandchildren Zoe and Romeo.

To stay in shape, Michele Bernier thrives in one of her most beautiful roles: that of grandmother. Mother of two children, Enzo (24 years old) and Charlotte (32 years old), born from her former relationship with comedian Bruno Gaccio, the 64-year-old actress is became a grandmother in 2017 when her daughter welcomed twins, Zoe and Romeo. It is in the columns of “Télé 7 jours” that Michèle Bernier expressed her new happiness. “Becoming a grandmother gave me a boost. I want to enjoy my grandchildren as best and as long as possible, by being a happy granny, ”she confessed.

“It gives a hell of a peach, it’s better than all facelifts in the world!”, She had already admitted to the magazine “Nous Deux” in April 2019. Seeing her daughter and her son-in-law happy gives her happiness infinite and he “regenerates the blood”, and she is also proud of her son Enzo who is a “super uncle”. “Being a grandmother is just fun, we provide support, we have fewer responsibilities, we are only there to advise,” she admitted.

Very close to his daughter

Michèle Bernier maintains a particularly close relationship with Charlotte, who followed in her mother’s footsteps by discovering her talent for cinema. She had also announced her pregnancy to him in a rather original way since she had handed him a package of coffee from the Grand-Mère brand. “She was returning from filming in Marseille, it was not expected that she will come home. When she arrived, I handed her the packet of coffee. We fell in our arms, crying with joy. When we found out they were twins, I called her immediately, ”Charlotte Gaccio told“Star TV»Last February, hoping to transmit to his children the beautiful values ​​instilled in him by his mother such as benevolence. “To be both firm and fair, and to trust my children, as Mum did”, the young woman concluded.

Read also : Michèle Bernier confides the reasons for her celibacy

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