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Michel, solidarity flows in his veins

On the occasion of the gourmet collection organized on Wednesday at the Marland hall, we met Michel Cuiller who gave blood 298 times.

During the summer, blood donations collapse while the need remains. In this context, a week of “exotic donation” is launched from August 12 to 17 in the eight donation centers located in the major cities of the Region.

In Tonnerre, volunteers will be offering a gourmet collection on Wednesday, August 14, at the Marland hall. And this time, Michel Cuiller will not be sitting in the donor’s chair. At over 71 years old, he is struck by the age limit. Last month, he made his last donation with a little touch of emotion.

“How many young people to replace him?”

Giving was more than a no-brainer for someone who has donated 298 blood, plus many plasma and platelet donations, to his credit. Altruism and solidarity flow through his veins. “It’s my way of helping others,” he says. “It doesn’t cost anything. Just a little bit of time. And maybe one day it’s me who’ll need blood in turn.”

Michel did his part. “I started donating when I was 25,” he recalls. “At the time, I was working at the Paul Renard Cheese Factory and the blood donation truck would come right into the yard. I went with a colleague like that. It gave us an hour’s break.” That was in 1978 and he didn’t stop donating until last month. “It’s important that people donate. It saves lives,” he insists. “It doesn’t hurt. The nurses know their job, they know how to inject, and above all, we are very well received. Everyone takes great care of us.”

At the Amicale des donneurs de sang bénévoles du Tonnerrois, we know what the end of Michel Cuiller’s activity means. “How many young people will it take to replace a donor like him?” wonders the president Alain Laporte, who is somewhat worried by the current situation. “I don’t have the figures in mind, but I have the impression that we are down a little compared to last year. We are having trouble finding new donors and young donors, even with the arrival of students in the city.”

This is why volunteers multiply actions and activities, during collections, but not only. They go to schools, organize hikes and meals. “It’s about being visible and creating conviviality so that people have the spark.”

For this fight, the Amicale will always be able to count on Michel. A member of the board of directors, he will remain a volunteer.

Appointment. Gourmet collection on Wednesday, August 14, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Marland hall. Appointments can be made on the site

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