Thriller, the best-selling album of all time, turns 40 on November 18, 2022! To mark the event, songs by Michael Jackson dot the antenna of RFM all weekend! Thriller, Run away, Human nature, Billie John… Find all your favorite hits without exception.
On this occasion, RFM is offering you the chance to win the exclusive 40th anniversary edition of Thriller in a double CD box set featuringincluding the legendary original album, and a second disc full of surprises and unreleased titles on which Michael Jackson worked on the album.
To do this, nothing could be easier! As soon as you hear a song from Michael Jackson ces Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 Novemberjust send code MICHELE by SMS au 7 39 16 (2x75ct + SMS cost). The lucky winners will be drawn!
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Michael Jackson Weekend Special on RFM!
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