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Michael Caine: I didn’t know anything about Batman before the filming

“When I came on the first day of filming, we saw a beautiful actress there, but I asked where the director was. And she told me, “It’s me.” “My God, you should be starring in that movie, not directing it, you’re beautiful,” I told her.

After all, when you see someone so beautiful, it occurs to you that he may not have great talent. But she’s really fantastic and she made a great movie, “Caine said at the beginning, giving an interview to Práva after the screening.

You have made well over a hundred films, including Christopher Nolan’s “Batman” trilogy Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, Miss Roughneck, The Rules of the Cider House, and Kingsman: The Secret Service. Do you have some of the most popular among them?

I have. The man who wanted to be king, Alfie, from the recent Youth of Paolo Sorrento, for whom I received the European Film Award, but was ignored in England and America. I played a very classy man there, and I think I played him well with the beautiful English, but I didn’t get anything in it. And I got an Oscar for the Rules of the Cider House, but in England it had bad reviews.

Do you like the man who wanted to be king because of Seann Connery?

Also, but a lot because of John Huston, who was a great friend of mine and an amazing director. There is no one like John. But there was no one like Sean either. We met when I was 22 years old in a London theater and we became lifelong friends.

A big and famous project was Nolan’s three-part Batman. How do you remember him?

One of the strongest memories is related to casting. I was at the cottage then, it was Sunday and someone rang. I opened it, and there stood a man who introduced himself as a director. I invited him in, and he told me he wanted me to play Batman’s servant. I asked, “Servant? I’m going to announce dinner and ask who would like vodka? ”And he said no, that I was Batman’s godfather, so it’s a slightly bigger role …

Jiří Bartoška, ​​Michael Caine and his wife Shakira Caine.

Photo: Petr Hloušek, Právo

The filming was amazing then, except that I came to the square and we didn’t understand anything in the scene we were supposed to shoot. I didn’t know anything about Batman, and I asked what was going on around me. The director replied that he would explain everything to me when I played it.

The full interview with Sir Michael Cain can be found in the Monday issue of Právo.

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