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MICA present at WorkShow 2024

On September 24 and 25, the 12th edition of the WorkShow at C Art Media, with the presence of Argentine Cultural Industries Market (MICA) with a MICA point. The exhibition began in 2015 with the premise of bringing together trends and technological advances for the entertainment, entertainment and multimedia arts sectors. This action is part of the program MICA Accompanies – Support for pre-existing markets – aimed at strengthening markets, fairs and festivals throughout the country with the aim of making visible and promoting a circuit of cultural events through exchange networks and associative work.

Through a wide variety of stands distributed in the different spaces on the ground floor, between the floor and the first floor, the public had access to a wide range of products by directly testing musical instruments, sound consoles, DJ decks and recording microphones. He also received information about the academic offers provided by UNTREF, USAM, EMBA and Image Campus among other educational entities present. He obtained professional advice from musical organizations such as SADAIC and ASIAr. He witnessed the live radio broadcast in the Real Streaming area, the interesting masterclasses given in the auditorium and the live shows from the main stage. And he had the privilege of listening to Charly García’s latest album or immersing himself in an immersive sensory adventure in the control of Dolby Atmos.

Federico Brunetti, Undersecretary of Cultural and Artistic Promotion, together with a representative of CAFIM.

On the afternoon of the first day, the Undersecretary of Cultural and Artistic Promotion, Federico Brunettitoured the place to learn first-hand about the experiences of some of the exhibitors such as Blue’s Instrumentos, the Argentine Chamber of Musical Instrument Manufacturers (CAFIM), Sony Music, Yamaha and Mess.

“We are excited about this MICA Point present at the WorkShow, a fundamental event to interact with the new technologies that intervene in the entertainment industry. We have a mandate from the Secretary of Culture, Leonardo Cifelli, to generate and be part of these productive conversations. It is essential to stay updated in each sector to interpret changes in time, train ourselves, incorporate them and always continue along the path of innovation. “Professionals and sectors that do not open themselves to technological change lose opportunities for improvement and development,” said Federico Brunetti.

For her part, Dama Sananes, general producer of the WorkShow, said: “The WorkShow is an event that aims to bring together entertainment and entertainment companies, and also audiovisual, multimedia and integrated systems producers in this latest edition. And what What has always motivated us has been to allow visitors to interact with the products and solutions that exist to carry out their tasks. The WorkShow has been running for 12 editions, and in a way aims to consolidate itself as a meeting space for networking, for those who are new to it. They begin to be able to connect with those who are a little more established and also so that people who have companies can find people to go to work that is so beautiful in person, which I feel is what is missing. to virtuality”.

In turn, he added: “The support of the State is always super valuable, first because it allows an amplification that would otherwise be more difficult, and then I feel that also in the fusion of the public and the private something very valuable, very rich, and I feel that it can make a big difference. This is how the WorkShow was developed in two intense days, to establish itself as a key meeting point for the entertainment and multimedia industry in which professionals from various areas of the value chain can share knowledge, experiences and interact with the latest technologies available with the objective of raising the technological standard of the sector.

The Argentine Cultural Industries Market (MICA) is a program of the Undersecretary of Cultural and Artistic Promotion of the Secretariat of Culture of the Ministry of Human Capital.

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