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Miao shows boxing! The body is very fit, kicks loudly, aunt is not soft, netizens think about Thaksin

Miao shows boxing! Aung-ing posted a clip via Facebook and AIG showing a fit body. Kick the sack loudly. Sanath has no rest Netizens thought of Thaksin Wang Huang to run the country

Today (6 February), Prae Thongtarn Shinawatra, the youngest daughter of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, 72, posted a clip via Facebook and Instagram. Ing Shinawatra With over 3.4 hundred thousand followers was a clip of Mr. Thaksin While boxing in front of a house in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, with the message saying A 72-year-old sent this clip to the mother and daughter to see that Get fit and ready to raise your grandchildthithan! I want to carry the child on board right now.

However, after posting the said clip Found many Thai social users. Parades to express opinions such as thinking of Thaksin, the project that started Others came to pamper their hands. Used to treat my child until today If not, what will be taken to treat hundreds of thousands? I really miss you? Thank you for a good project that started to treat my child, and keep it for hundreds of thousands of baht. I would not have intelligence My son must have died. Thank you, because it started from the time of your campaigning and actually doing it. I always miss you, etc.

In addition, the reporter further reported that today (6 February) the online world is shared today, 16 years ago, or on February 6, 2005 that Mr Thaksin Shinawatra had led the Thai Rak Thai party. Won a landslide election With over 377 seats in the House of Representatives, 18.9 million votes as well.

Read: Backing the phenomenon, Thai Rak Thai won the absolute election “Thaksin” formed a one-party government!

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