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Miami mayor quarantined for coronavirus

Francis Suarez, mayor of the city of Miami, reported on Thursday that he decided to quarantine after meeting with a Brazilian secretary of state who tested positive for the coronavirus.

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“President Jair Bolsonaro’s team confirmed to me that one of its members is infected with COVID-19. During the President’s visit this Monday and Tuesday, I was in the same room as this infected person. Although I know that I did not have direct contact with him and that I do not present any symptoms, after speaking with a specialized medical team, I have decided to follow the health protocols and enter self-quarantine as a security measure ”The official said in a recorded message.

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In any case, Suarez pointed out that he is in good health. “I am healthy, strong and able to do my job as mayor. Therefore, I will continue my work remotely to ensure that our operations are carried out efficiently. ”he highlighted.

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On the other hand, the White House reported Thursday that President Donald Trump does not need to undergo a test for the coronavirus, despite having met with Bolsonaro’s secretary who contracted the coronavirus.

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“The White House is aware of public information that a member of the Brazilian delegation tested positive for COVID-19,” Trump spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said in a statement.

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The spokeswoman said that Trump and vice president Mike Pence “had almost no interactions with the person” affected and that “they do not need to be examined at the moment.”

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According to Grisham, according to government guidelines, there is no need to “screen patients without symptoms” and “only people who have had close and prolonged contact with the infected should be quarantined.”

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The Brazilian presidency confirmed shortly before Thursday that the communication secretary, Fábio Wajngarten, who accompanied Bolsonaro at the Trump residence, had contracted the new coronavirus.

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