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MIA anti-vaccine? The artist himself denies it

After being criticized this week, the singer clarified her stance on vaccines.

MY He clarified his position on vaccines and their application after the criticism he received recently, ensuring that he is not “really” anti-vaccine. All of this emerged through her Twitter account of hers, where the singer posted a to send comparing the announcer’s misrepresentations Alex Jones about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and its consequence of paying nearly a billion dollars, with artists encouraging the use of vaccines.

And Alex Jones pays to lie, shouldn’t all the celebrities who push vaccines pay too? she wrote. “Alex Jones lie and Pfizer lying, both trendy. One with pain, the other without one. If you don’t have the power to think critically, this is the highest level of insanity we could reach before a nuclear war wipes out the human race. ” tweetreferring to an article that exposed the effects of vaccines on COVID transmission.

That said, in an interview with The Guardian on the occasion of his new album WOMENthe artist was asked about his position, to which he replied that people’s first reaction is to judge it as an anti-vaccine, which is actually not the case.

I know three people who died from receiving the vaccine and I know three people who died from COVID. This is in my life, in my experience. If someone is going to deny that experience and deceive me by saying, “No, it’s not your experience,” then what’s the point of all this? “” What existence are you trying to protect by giving me a vaccine if I can’t even have an experience and process that information in my brain and come to some sort of conclusion? ”

Likewise, the artist made it clear that while she is not against vaccines, she is not in favor of them being produced by companies more interested in economic benefit than human well-being. MY It has certainly succeeded in stirring controversy and, in a society divided by disinformation, information overload, and who is in favor of vaccines and who is not, will likely be a topic that will continue to be talked about for a long time.

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