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Mhoni Seer: July’s horoscopes

Mhoni Vidente tells you what are the best days of this month for your sign and the numbers with more magic.


Julio will be an opportunity to get ahead at work or with your own business, your sign is dominated by number seven and this puts you in a position to grow, but you must face your problems and make a decision to leave behind bad friends and loves interested. You will have 31 days of metamorphosis personally. In matters of love you finally accept your relationship and you already formalize; Your sign is very difficult to be in full commitment, but this month the connection will be made. Those who are single will continue like this this month, only with adventures. Your weak point will be the intestine and ulcers. You have an economic surprise with the numbers 02 and 18, try to play them on Tuesdays, which will be good luck for your sign. Your magic days this month will be 02, 04, 09, 15, 18, 19, 21, 25, 28, 30 and 31.


The seventh month of the year for the Taureans will be of maturation and leave behind that time of fun, you commit to grow personally and professionally, and you give continuity to everything you had left unfinished. You will have a month of radical changes at work, so you must prepare for a readjustment or a new hire. Your best numbers will be 03 and 22, and try to play them on Saturdays, which will be lucky for you. Now leave that couple that was not for you, that in this month of July a formal and true love of the sign of Aries, Libra or Sagittarius will come to you. Those who are married will have a pregnancy. You make late payments. You resume your exercise routine to look your best. Your best days will be 02, 03, 09, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 29 and 30, what you want to be better will come to you.


During July you will make important decisions, especially in the workplace and academia, because you like to have the recognition of your superiors. You decide to start that business that you want so much, but beware of envy and evil eye, which in July will be very intense. Your magic numbers will be 02 and 30, try to play them on Thursdays, which will be your best days. You go out with two people at once, but try to make a decision and stay with only one partner. Those who are single like this will continue this month. Looking for someone the sign of Aquarius or Virgo to offer you a better job. Your best days will be 01, 02, 07, 09, 12, 17, 19, 21, 23, 29, 30 and 31. Beware of skin infection or sexual transmission, try to be more careful in your health. A relative is looking for you to invite you to a wedding.


For your sign, the seventh month of the year represents the path to spiritual evolution, you will have 31 days of professional and work achievements, so you must be prepared for the opportunities that appear. Despite your birthday, this month you have changes in your character and zero tolerance, so I recommend that you have patience with all problems. Your best numbers will be 04 and 17, try to play them on Mondays, which will be your best days of the month. Keep up your good attitude towards your future. A new love arrives from the sign of Aries or Gemini that will be very compatible with you. Those who are in a couple will have a lot of coexistence and will be very close. A forbidden love is looking for you this month to be as lovers. Your best days of the month will be 01, 03, 07, 09, 12, 17, 21, 22, 27, 30 and 31.


In July you will achieve constant personal progress, because your sign is dominated by perfection in a labor matter; You will also suffer friction with your coworkers, so try to be cautious with what you say; Try to be calm in these 31 days and not commit a recklessness that you later regret. You receive a prize with the numbers 02 and 11, try to play them on Wednesdays, which will be your best days of the month. In love you will remain very passionate, very compatible couples will come to you, but no formal commitment. Those who are married or as a couple have arguments and break-up thoughts. Do not look for that love from the past, it is better to leave it behind. Your best days of the month will be 02, 05, 07, 11, 16, 19, 21, 24, 28 and 31. Take care of lung or throat problems, stop smoking.


In this seventh month of the year you will think a lot about your future and ensure an estate, that July is your lucky month in investments, just try to be discreet with your job opportunities so that you are not filled with envy. The days 01, 06, 09, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 29 and 30 will be of good energy around you to change your life projects, remember that your sign is dominated by money and prosperous businesses. You are still stable with your partner. Singles have the ideal partner and will be from work. Your sign is a pillar of their family and they always support you in your decisions, so respond to them. You are very passionate about what you undertake, but you get discouraged quickly, so try to give consistency to your projects and do not ask for an opinion. Your lucky numbers will be 03 and 44, play them on Fridays.


Start your month of luck in economic matters, in July you receive unexpected money and they pay you a debt that you thought was lost. Your magic numbers will be 01 and 66, play them on Sundays together with your sign and you will get a big prize. It will give you commitment and you will talk about deep love with your partner, that will motivate you to develop more projects. You will be tested by your superiors to find out if you are suitable for a better position, so focus on everything you do. This month you also solve legal problems or solve any pending issue. Your temperament is very strong and sometimes you make people who love you very angry, think about what you are going to say so as not to hurt. The days 01, 03, 04, 07, 09, 11, 14, 18, 19, 27 and 30 will be very good for your sign. Save to have a more stable future.


July is your month of change of thoughts and positive attitude, your sign always seeks to stand out from all those around you and this month comes the opportunity for a better job. Try not to fight with your partner because they can reach the final separation, so try to control your character and not be so violent and impulsive. You are the most charismatic of the Zodiac, that’s why you are always in the best social events. You fall in love again, your sign always wants a stable relationship. Those who have a partner talk about getting married or living together. Be careful with legal or tax problems, try to keep your accounts well. Your lucky numbers this month will be 07 and 88, try to play them on Tuesdays, they will be lucky for you. Your magic days are 01, 03, 05, 06, 09, 13, 17, 21, 23, 27, 28 and 30.


The seventh month of the year for your sign means a renewal of thought to be a better person; It is also your lucky month because it is when your positive energy is renewed, just be careful not to overspend, because this month you will have a mismatch in your income. Your lucky numbers are 05 and 30, try to play them on Fridays. Your weak point will be the kidney or liver, so avoid fats. Your magic days of the month will be 01, 03, 05, 09, 12, 17, 19, 21, 23, 28, 30 and 31, in which you can make any job change you have in mind and if you have a legal claim it will be resolved in your favor. No longer look for excuses for not having a family, a son will change your life for good. Those who are single will continue like this, they will only meet people related to their sexual desire and not to their personal interest.


The month of abundance is coming for your sign, number seven is good luck for you and that makes the energies of wealth be on your side in July, so do not hesitate and change your job for a better one, or if you are in plans to start a business you will do well. Your lucky numbers this month will be 04 and 22, and try to play them on Tuesdays. Your magic days of the month will be 02, 04, 07, 09, 11, 13, 18, 21, 27, 29 and 30. Try not to sabotage yourself at work, your mind always looks for an obstacle to not achieve victory, so put those thoughts aside. You settle a legal or notary matter. Your weak point will be stress and hormones. In love your sign is not very faithful, but try not to get into trouble with your partner just for a night of passion, try to control your sexual drive.


You will be active in work matters during July, your time has come to make a heritage and in this seventh month the positive energies will drive you to achieve it. Your lucky numbers are 09 and 21, try to play them on Fridays. Avoid drinking a lot of alcohol so that later you do not have problems of crude morals. Your magic days will be 01, 03, 05, 09, 12, 18, 21, 23, 28 and 31, in which you can fix any pending procedure and it will be resolved in your favor. You will analyze whether or not to continue with your partner, your sign is very decisive in everything and more in love matters. Those who are single will continue like this and with many passionate loves only, no firm commitment. You get a problem from your old job, try to solve it in the best way. Your weak point is your lower back or waist.


July will be your best month because the Sun reigns and that helps your sign to grow, just avoid showing off your achievements so that you do not awaken envy. In this month your sign will demonstrate what it is capable of in matters of work or own business. You receive an unexpected gift from a new love. Your lucky numbers are 09 and 27, try to play them on Tuesdays. You buy a car or a house, because you are already looking to have a heritage for your future. Your weak point will be stress, do not stop exercising. Your lucky days will be 02, 04, 09, 12, 17, 19, 21, 22, 28, 30 and 31, the positive energies will be on your side. In love you will continue with your partner of the sign of Capricorn or Cancer that will be very compatible with you. Beware of fraud. Singles will have a month of many new and passionate loves.

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