Two weeks ago, a million viewers sat down in front of the TV screen to catch the grand finale of Melodi Grand Prix in Trondheim Spektrum.
After all the votes had been counted, it became clear that the Norwegian-Italian artist Alessandra Mele (20) won with the song “Queen of Kings”and will represent Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool, in May.
Rage against international jury
Since then it has been an exciting time for Mele, and after the victory there is little doubt that her life has been turned upside down.
But what do we really know about the new shooting star? This week, the 20-year-old has visited 730.we podkast. There, listeners get to know her better, where she talks about the topic of love, among other things.
– A great guy
Mele grew up in Italy and has an Italian father and a Norwegian mother. When she was 18 years old, she moved to Norway to get closer to her Norwegian family, as well as further develop her interest in music.

Flying upwards
It was when she started the music school LIMPI (Lillehammer Institute of Music Production and Industries), which is a private college, that love began to blossom.
In the podcast episode, the 20-year-old is asked if she is single, and what she is looking for in a potential boyfriend. There she answers the following:

GIRLFRIEND: Alessandra Mele got a kiss from her boyfriend after the MGP victory. Photo: Andreas Fadum / Se og Hør
sea view
– I’m not single, and I’m with a wonderful guy who really helps me during this period. I’m not looking for anything, I just feel. He also goes to LIMPI, and that’s where we met. After all, I thought that I didn’t want to have a boyfriend and focus on myself. But it’s such a stupid thing to say, because you can do it even if you have a boyfriend, but you forget that since there is so much “toxic” out there, she says.

Opens up about dating and sex
Furthermore, Mele says that she always follows her feelings when it comes to love, and admits that she feels very well. What she likes most is that she has the freedom to live out her dream – namely to make music.
When Dagbladet picks up the thread, she says that her boyfriend Ludvig also has an interest in music.
– He is a producer, so we write songs together, she shares, while also making no secret of the fact that one day she hopes they will release a song together.
– Love is love
Further in the podcast, Mele reveals that the relationship with her boyfriend is relatively new, and that they have been together since September last year.

– Time to miss each other
But before she met him, she had something going on with a girl. In a question round in the podcast, she gets a question about when she realized she was bisexual.

WON: Norwegian-Italian Alessandra won the Norwegian final of Melodi Grand Prix in Trondheim Spektrum with the song “Queen of Kings”. Here together with presenters Arian Engebø and Stian “Staysman” Thorbjørnsen. Photo: Rodrigo Freitas / NTB
sea view
– Now I have to say something, and that is that I don’t like to call it bisexual. And that’s because you kind of put it in a box. But the definition you give is bisexual, so I’ll just say that. What I have faith in is love, the 20-year-old shares openly with the listeners.
Mele reveals to Dagbladet that much of the reason why she fell for her boyfriend was because of his open mind.
– I fell in love with him because he has an “open mentality” and is considerate. I believe in love, that is my definition.
In the podcast she continues:
– Love is everywhere, i.e. “who cares” if you are a man, if you are a girl, hen, he or she. Who cares? When there’s love, there’s love. And that’s why I say that I’m open to all kinds of love, whether it’s with a girl, a man, or with a hen, I just don’t care. I believe in love.
Mele will defend Norway’s honor in the first semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest on 9 May.