Home » today » Entertainment » Mežapark’s Great Stage to Host Mesa and Gacho’s 25-Year Celebration Concert with Special Guests S’T’A

Mežapark’s Great Stage to Host Mesa and Gacho’s 25-Year Celebration Concert with Special Guests S’T’A

In a couple of months, on August 19, Mežapark’s Great Stage will host a grand concert of the music projects Mesa and Gacho, which will mark the 25-year work of the musician Gat Irbe on the stage. Its special guests will be the legendary Latvian hip-hop group S’T’A.

“I think that this will be a great and also a very rare opportunity for the listeners to see and hear the group “S’T’A”. Our previous performance took place in 2011, because in music – both solo and in various projects – we work separately. It is not yet clear whether there will be other “S’T’A” performances, but such a possibility cannot be ruled out,” says group member Jacques Bernart.

For the first time, the public learned about the hip-hop group “S’T’A” in 1999, when its first single “Normāla prašana” was released. A couple of years later, in 2001, the group released the album “Views of my city”, which should be considered one of the first hip-hop studio albums in Latvia. The album included such well-known songs as “Good boy”, “Views of my city”, etc. The group has two members – Jacques Bernart and Kurt Fridrichson or Kurt.

“During these many years since the project “S’T’A” no longer exists, our fans tirelessly continued to ask the question – when will the “S’T’A” concert be?” That’s why I want to thank Gat, who gave Jacques and I the opportunity to meet again on stage and give the faithful listeners of “S’T’A” this musical adventure at his big anniversary concert,” says Kurt

2023-06-13 17:39:29
#rapper #STA #revived #Mesa #Gachos #big #concert #Mežaparks

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