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Mexico SA

President López Obrador says he decided don’t change the rules to the bankers, keep them untouched, in cotton wool, because It is a price that must be paid, because it is very important to maintain these balances; they continued investing in Mexico, and not changing those rules guaranteed that economic and financial stability would be maintained.. Not even with the petal, then.

Without a doubt, maintaining economic and financial stability is of primary importance, but in the case of banks operating in Mexico (foreign banks are the most important, and those not owned by brand barons) Forbesbeneficiaries of the privatization policy) the decision of don’t change the rules (all from the neoliberal regime) has been very expensive for the pockets of Mexicans, as they are the payers of the large and growing net profits.

Technocracy guaranteed the financial mafia –national and foreign– that Mexico would be its paradise, to such an extent that in many cases (such as that of the Spanish BBVA) around 40 percent of its global profits are obtained in this country, whose government decided don’t change the rulesthat is, that without any major problem the banks continue to squeeze their clients by charging commissions even for breathing and interest rates at the level of profiteering. And also, by not modifying them, they endorsed the existence of the oligopoly in the local financial market, concentrated in five institutions, only one of them Mexican, owned by the family of that character. popular who gave advice: A poor politician is a poor politician.

Following his comment on the decision of don’t change the rulesPresident López Obrador recalled that in 2023 the banks that operate in the country obtained net profits of 272 billion pesos, clean of dust and straw, an amount never recorded, and mentioned that You can do a survey, interview the 30, 40, 50 most important businessmen in Mexico, about how they have fared in this six-year term in terms of profits, and all, all of them will tell you that they have obtained significant legitimate profits. And let’s not even talk about the bankers.. Thus, he said, “I can say that during my six-year term – and this can be proven – businessmen and bankers did very well, like never before in history, but I am fortunate to be able to say that the majority of Mexicans did very well and, above all, that we lifted millions of Mexicans out of poverty, as had not happened in decades.”

That’s right: for example, and as part of the balancesin the present six-year period the joint fortunes of the barons Forbes increased by 51 percent and closed 2023 at 199.7 billion dollars (something like 8 percent of the national gross domestic product at current prices, in the hands of about twenty businessmen). In the specific case of Carlos Slim (almost 6 percent of the GDP in his hands), the increase was 60 percent, that is, in those six years it went from 64 thousand to 102 thousand million green bills, and in the case of the toxic Germán Larrea the advance was 111 percent, from 13 thousand 300 to 28 thousand million, and the figure is yet to be known. achievement of 2024.

In the case of the banks that operate in the country, since the arrival of the neoliberal regime (Fobaproa included), the bonanza has been the norm. Only in the six-year term that is about to end, they accumulated one trillion 300 billion pesos in net profits, an amount similar to what they pocketed, cumulatively (another trillion 300 billion), in the three previous six-year terms (Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto, who also did not They changed the rules).

So, in 23 years (the result of 2024 is missing) in which the rules have not been changedthe banks that operate in the country obtained accumulated net profits of around 2.6 trillion pesos (around 10.4 percent of the Mexican GDP), all from the pockets of Mexicans, whom don’t change the rules it has been very expensive for them.

In short, by don’t change the rules and derived from the price to payabout 20 percent of GDP in the hands of about twenty businessmen and a small group of banks, mostly foreign.

The slices of the cake

The crude maneuver of the unpresentable Norma Piña to prevent the reform of the Judicial Branch, is aberrant, arbitrary, violates the Constitution and would affect the rule of law; I do not believe it will succeedsaid President López Obrador, because They do not care about democracy or justice, only their own interests and privileges; they are supporters of corruption..

Twitter: @cafevega

– 2024-09-13 07:18:57

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