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Mexico remains very attractive for multinationals

Despite future adversities in the global panorama, Mexico remains attractive for the 60 transnational firms that make up the Global Business Council, said Manuel Bravo, leader of this private initiative organization that seeks to build bridges with virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo on issues such as energy, infrastructure and security, so that investments translate into benefits for all.

We are betting on Mexico, we have done so historically and we believe that today is the time for the country.he said in an interview.

Recalling that during the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the capital of global companies represented 40 percent of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Mexican territory, Bravo commented that this happened because of the trust that exists and the opportunities that the nation offers.

In the context of relocation, he said that each of the firms presents to the boards of directors of their respective parent companies the advantages of Mexico, such as proximity to the largest market in the world and the extremely interconnected value chains among the T-MEC partners.

There are issues on which we have to continue working and pay close attention to attract and retain investments.he indicated.

We are all clear about the future we want for Mexico. When I refer to everyone, I mean the public sector, the private sector, society. We want a country that continues to grow, that continues to have opportunities that bring well-being to people and more and more equality.he said when asked about the Global Business Council’s plans for the new federal administration.

The organization prepared the document 20 ideas for Mexico, which not only proposes actions to attract investments, but also its concerns. The proposal has four axes: talent training, infrastructure, effective rule of law and security.

Each of its axes, on which we want to base our dialogue, create bridges, bring ideas, debate and allow us to be better as a country, are the conversations that we have already begun to have with some of the members of the team of the virtual president-elect.said.

He explained that in the context of relocation, to attract new investments from both national and foreign companies, the most important asset is the workers. Therefore, the aim is to ensure that the staff is not only trained, but also has skills that allow companies to face digitalization.

They therefore seek to strengthen the dual education model and collaborate with universities in training so that the learning curve when starting work is shorter.

In terms of infrastructure, the president and CEO of Bayer Mexico also commented that companies require more ports, airports, roads, connectivity and logistics, but also to expand the 5G network and prepare for 6G.

He added that they will seek to meet with the next head of the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT), Jesús Esteva, to make contributions. to this very complete infrastructure plan that future president Claudia Sheinbaum has presented.

Regarding energy, Bravo commented that the matrices of the Global Companies have goals for 2030 and 2050, so it is necessary to discuss the energy model that best suits the country. There is no doubt that there is a need to invest, modernize and generate greater capacity for clean and renewable energy..

He stressed that Empresas Globales seeks to maintain energy sovereignty as proposed by the federal government, to meet commitments to climate change, to ensure that costs are competitive and that energy is abundant.

The rule of law is key for the nation. We have said it on many occasions: the cornerstone for investment is legal certainty, that there are no surprises and that the law is enforced.

He acknowledged that it is necessary to strengthen the Judiciary, but they are concerned that the reform could compromise impartiality and that judges do not have technical capacity, since Mexico has acquired commitments such as the T-MEC.

Regarding insecurity, he said that they are concerned because it raises costs and is a threat to companies’ operations.

The diagnosis is complex and the solutions are clearly not unique, but we will have to work hand in hand to achieve a clear reversal towards the positive.said.

Bravo reiterated that although the outlook is not always favorable, such as the episode of volatility last Monday, Mexico remains a priority destination for investments.

#Mexico #remains #attractive #multinationals
– 2024-08-13 00:13:58

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