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Mexico Must Embrace Nearshoring and Openness to Investment, Says Galicia Abogados Partner

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The partner of Galicia Abogados, Carlos de María y Campos, pointed out that with all the events that have happened on a global scale, Mexico has a huge opportunity with the nearshoringHowever, the country has given no sign that it has “digested” what that means.

The lawyer and specialist in the development of infrastructure projects and the energy sector commented that Mexico requires a policy of openness to investment to take advantage of “what the country has built in terms of trade”.

“Sometimes, and not infrequently, I have heard Mexican and foreign investors say that they do not feel welcome in Mexico, because the messages are constantly rejecting,” although the country welcomes them in the speech.

Carlos de María added that in fact, every day the investors face stones, obstacles and difficultiesand Mexico should take advantage of the 14 trade agreements it has to facilitate investment and provide certainty.

“Inconsistent at the same time, we see that initiatives are presented in Congress with laws that are totally contrary to investment and clearly in violation, where there are revocations of permits, assets are taken from you without compensation, the provisions of the treaties regarding the protection of investment,” he accused.

During a forum organized by the IMEF, he called to take advantage of this network of treaties and the potential that Mexico has, without generating conflicts with business partners, in addition to strengthening the development of infrastructure in the energy sector.

“First of all, I think we have to address the mechanisms to increase renewable generation. All these exports that go to other countries already have to meet clean energy requirements. We ourselves are putting obstacles in the way.”

For his part, the independent specialist in the energy sector, Rosanety Barrios, said that the bottleneck in the transmission system It is a challenge to be solved on a global scale, but the Mexican electrical system must be transformed to massively inject renewable energy to the companies that will arrive with the relocation.

“We have a constitution that allows free participation, we have a current electricity law, which is also open to the integration of all forms of private investment participation, however, at the regulatory level we have had substantial changes in private generation.”


2023-05-17 04:29:26
#Mexico #digested #nearshoring #means #lawyer

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