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Mexico coronavirus conference. Covid-19 topics of December 10

Mexico adds 112 thousand 326 deaths from coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and registers one million 217 thousand 126 accumulated confirmed cases, according to the latest report from the Ministry of Health released by Ana Lucía de la Garza Barroso, director of Epidemiological Operations Research.

The official also reported that 137,250 people are suspects with no possibility of result, 207,600 suspects without sample and 49,058 are suspects with possibility of result.

General bed occupancy is 41%

De la Garza Barroso reported that as of December 9, there were 15,475 beds occupied. The occupancy of general beds is 41% and that of beds with a fan is 34%.

Pulmonary rehabilitation after covid-19

López-Gatell He pointed out that COVID damages the lungs and then comes a process called scarring, where the tissue damage is replaced by fibrous tissue and when they heal (the lungs) they become less efficient.

He mentioned that “There have never been sufficient pulmonary rehabilitation services”, in view of this he recommended visiting the page https://coronavirus.gob.mx/, where you will find pulmonary habilitation videos.

Advance of Pfizer’s anticovid vaccine in the US, hope for Mexico: López-Gatell

Hugo Lopez-Gatell said the FDA Expert Recommendation on Coronavirus Vaccine Approval from Pfizer in the United States, “hope is fed for our country“He also pointed out that so far there are four countries that have this recommendation, which are the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada and the US.

However, he stressed that this “is not yet the definitive health registry, it is an approval for its emergency use, since clinical trials are still continuing.”

Uncommon, alterations to organs other than the respiratory system: Ssa

López-Gatell He pointed out that “These other alterations outside the respiratory system are infrequent, but the advantage is that their contribution to specialized health services is not very noticeable, due to their low frequency.

Molecules Committee will meet tomorrow, after approval of Pfizer vaccine in the US

The Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion said that the day of tomorrow at noon the Committee on New Molecules will meet regarding the approval of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine in the US.

The world has a significant wear but the epidemic is not over: Ssa

Hugo Lopez Gatell He mentioned that “All societies are already under a significant burden of wear and tear as a society and also individuals are tired”, but that does not mean that sanitary measures should be relaxed.

“It is very difficult, impossible, to suppose that they can be forced into confinement. The call is emphatic, repeated, persistent, consistent, for us to identify that the epidemic is not over. The epidemic can cause deaths from lung damage, it causes it suffocates and it is stormy, “he concluded.

National coronavirus traffic light

In the actual epidemiological traffic light for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 there are two states in red, 24 in orange, three in yellow and three in green.


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