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Mexico buys fewer doses, wastes them or uses very few resources for vaccination

This document was prepared by a multidisciplinary group with the aim of identifying the problems affecting vaccination in the country and offering recommendations to solve them.

“Mexico has the opportunity to regain its previous global leadership in all areas of vaccination, but it needs to invest, among others, in education, research, production, policies and processes,” the study says. .

Less budget and under-exercise

One of the main obstacles is the budget allocated for vaccination. Although total expenditure in this area registered a continuous increase from 2017 to 2022, as of 2023 it began to decrease and, in addition, the authorities are spending less money than agreed.

In 2017, an expenditure of 1,919.9 million pesos was authorized and 95% of that money was used. For 2022, the largest vaccination budget was reached, with 30,314.3 million pesos approved. However, in that year only 25% was used, equivalent to 7,584.1 million pesos.

In 2023, spending decreased to 14,021.8 million pesos and, despite the cut, only 21% of the money was used, that is, 2,951 million pesos.

2024-08-14 20:32:00
#Mexico #buys #doses #wastes #resources #vaccination

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