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Mexico and Chile Urges International Criminal Court to Investigate War Crimes in Israel-Hamas Conflict


A country that drags Israel to the International Court of Justice continues to increase. Now it is Mexico and Chile’s turn to urge the International Criminal Court or ICC to investigate alleged war crimes in the war between Israel and Hamas.

Reported by Reuters and Al Arabiya, Saturday (20/1/2024), both countries expressed “increasing concern” over the escalation of violence during the months of war that has raged.

This insistence was given by the two countries in their letters of reference to the ICC on Thursday (18/1) local time.

In its letter to the ICC, Mexico’s Foreign Ministry argued that the ICC was the appropriate forum to determine potential criminal responsibility in the war.

“Whether carried out by agents of the occupying power or the occupied power,” the Mexican Foreign Ministry said in its letter.

Apart from that, it was stated that this was done because of concerns about increasing violence, especially against civilians.

“The actions taken by Mexico and Chile are due to growing concern over the latest increase in violence, especially against civilian targets,” the letter added.

Read the full news on the next page.


2024-01-20 15:14:25
#countries #Israel #International #Court #Justice

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