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Mexico and Argentina celebrate the first anniversary of the AstraZeneca vaccine against Covid-19

Written in NATIONAL the 30/5/2022 · 18:38 hs

Within the framework of the first anniversary of the authorization by thea Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), of the AstraZeneca vaccine produced in Mexico and Argentina, the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer, affirmed that coordinated and rigorous work between both nations made it possible to consolidate the release of the first Latin American vaccine against Covid-19.

He stopped that “this fact demonstrated that the nations of the region can contribute to facing the challenges of global health, and warned that it is time to continue controlling Sard-CoV-2 and prepare for a next pandemic or its continuation, which It hasn’t finished.”

The official explained that “the nations of the region have the essential capacities to expand local production and reduce the gaps in access to vaccines and other strategic supplies; however, they have only produced four percent of the supplies used during the health emergency.”

In turn, the head of Cofepris, Alejandro Svarch pointed out that it is a historical fact, “a sample of the extraordinary capacities of science and will, but if I may say so, it also shows the dedication and commitment of all the people who work in this health agency. Today we celebrate that a year ago, Cofepris released the first Latin American vaccine against the Covid-19 virus.

“We recognize more than 150 people from different Cofepris administrative units who were involved in the vaccine release processes. Thank you for your work, commitment and dedication to protect the population, not only in Mexico but in the region, against health risks. Each one of you is Cofepris, and it is an honor to be part of such a noble institution”, he indicated.

Given this, he promised to strengthen the local production of health supplies and technologies and national scientific and regulatory capacities to help the region prevent serious consequences in future health emergencies.

At the time, the Argentine ambassador to Mexico, Carlos Alfonso Tomada, highlighted that the strategic alliance between Mexico and Argentina, with a history of 134 years, allowed the first batch with one million vaccines packaged in the Liomont laboratories in the State of Mexico, whose active ingredient was produced in Argentina.

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