Home » today » World » Mexicans stranded in Turkey accuse the consulate of mistreatment and ask for help to return to the country

Mexicans stranded in Turkey accuse the consulate of mistreatment and ask for help to return to the country

MEXICO CITY (appro).– The Mexican couple Cielo Isamar Mojica Ruiz and Roberto Navarro Cervantes, who are stranded at the Turkish airport, ask the Mexican embassy for help to return to the country, because during their vacation trip they were assaulted and they have no money to return.

Cielo said that on July 10 they arrived in Turkey from Ireland. They were going to spend a week there, continuing to Cappadocia, “where the balloons are”, and from there they would visit Athens, in Greece, before returning to Mexico.

But on July 15, around 12:30 p.m., at the taskim in central Istanbul, four black men assaulted them.

“They come to us from behind, they throw my husband to the ground, they burst a bag that contained 6,250 euros, a cell phone and other valuables. They take them away from us and flee in two directions”, the lady told Process.

She said that they were intimidated with a firearm and her husband was injured with a knife, while she was beaten.

When they arrived at the place they were renting, they cleaned up and marked the embassy, ​​where they were told that they were on holiday, since it was Saturday morning and they left messages. On Monday, when they answered them, they told them that they should file a complaint.

“I am going to file it immediately, but I get a tourist policeman who spoke Spanish, who tells me why am I filing the complaint if nothing is going to happen, who is asking me, he told the embassy and they communicate with them. And they see that they do not want to file a complaint against me, they treat me badly for wanting to do the right thing, ”he complained.

Cielo narrated that no one helped them and they stayed on the street until a friendly Turkish policeman let them sleep in a lobby and fed them. On Tuesday she went to the consulate and her head received her yelling, discriminating against her because of her appearance, yelling at her because she can’t do anything.

“Shut up bitch, on three occasions he told me; that we were nothing to be asking for help. Leaving the consulate I have an epileptic attack and I go to the hospital, they stabilize me and I return to the consulate and they give me my bags, ”she said.

An assistant at the consulate apologizes for the mistreatment they received and gives them 50 dollars to get to the airport, from which they are going to ask for money to buy their ticket, but a police officer mistreats her causing another epileptic attack and she begins to bleed and only drinks medication that had already been prescribed.

“I spend the whole week at the airport sleeping in some chairs, waiting for a response from the government. A man from the airport helps us to give us a place to bathe and sleep on a carpet.

“The consulate calls me to tell me that it is not going to help me, that it is my problem to return to Mexico. I did everything they asked me to help me, mails, calls, etc. I lost my baby, I’m without food. Without a place, just a rug, humiliated by the consulate, trying to survive”, she commented.

Cielo said that they wanted a normal vacation, since the couple had married last May 9 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, but they became a terror. “We just want to go back to Mexico, just that and start over,” he pleaded.

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