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Mexican TV Outlet Accidentally Airs Man’s Testicles During Solar Eclipse Coverage

Breaking <a data-ail="4975594" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/category/news/" >News</a>: Mexican <a data-ail="4975594" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/tag/tv/" >TV</a> Outlet Accidentally Airs Man’s Testicles During Solar Eclipse Coverage

Breaking News: Mexican TV Outlet Accidentally Airs Man’s Testicles During Solar Eclipse Coverage

By Ronny Reyes | April 9, 2024, 2:29 p.m. ET


This eclipse coverage was out of the ordinary, to say the least. A Mexican news outlet, RCG Media, became the subject of ridicule after unwittingly broadcasting a video submission that featured a man’s testicles during the coverage of Monday’s solar eclipse. The incident unfolded during the network’s 24/7 news program, where anchors presented clips submitted by viewers to capture their experiences of the celestial phenomenon. This embarrassing mishap serves as an example of the perils of incorporating unvetted fan-made content in live broadcasts.

The Eclipse Prank

As the male host listed the cities from which the eclipse could be witnessed, the video clips shown on the left side of the screen unexpectedly switched to an unusual and obscene scene involving a man using his testicles to block out the sun. While the male anchor continued unaffected, one of the female anchors can be heard audibly gasping in shock. Instantly, the screen was altered to remove the inappropriate footage.

Three anchors of a Mexican TV news program were stunned when footage of a man’s testicles was accidentally shown during their solar eclipse coverage. (Image: RCG Media)

The Consequences of Unverified Fan Submissions

This specific prank, known as the “testicular eclipse,” has been shared online during solar events in the past. However, this incident seems to be the first time such a prank has made its way onto Latin American television. The news outlet faced backlash and widespread mockery for its failure to review the video content before airing it live. While incorporating fan experiences can enhance coverage, this incident serves as a reminder that stringent content moderation is essential to maintain professionalism and integrity in broadcasting.

Previous Prank Incidents and Notorious Participants

Sharing clips of a “testicular eclipse” has become a viral trend during solar events. A notable instance of this prank involved Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee, who posted a similar video on his Instagram page during the 2019 eclipse in Chile. Despite the humorous aspect of these pranks, it is crucial for broadcasters and content creators to exercise caution in order to uphold their credibility.

Future Ramifications

Although it remains unclear whether the submitted footage featured the prankster, Rhevolver, himself or if it was recycled content from previous incidents, this mishap highlights the potential consequences associated with unchecked fan submissions. RCG media has not responded to inquiries about the incident, leaving the public to wonder whether stricter qualifications for submitted content will be implemented in the future to prevent such embarrassing incidents from reoccurring.

The incident appeared to be the first time a so-called “testicular eclipse” prank made its way to TV in Latin America. (Image: RCG Media)
The incident appeared to be the first time a so-called “testicular eclipse” prank made its way to TV in Latin America. (Image: RCG Media)

Public Response

The news outlet faced severe criticism on social media, with many mocking the lack of precaution taken prior to airing the provocative video. A Twitter user, Rhevolver, claimed responsibility for submitting the clip and proudly gloated about the successful prank, causing fervent debate among netizens about the boundaries of humor in media.


RCG Media will undoubtedly learn from this embarrassment as they prioritize the immediate rectification of their moderation protocols. While broadcasters strive to engage and incorporate viewers’ experiences, it is crucial to strike a balance between the organic and the carefully reviewed. It remains to be seen whether this mishap will serve as a catalyst for stricter content filtration in the future, safeguarding the integrity and professionalism of live broadcasts.

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