Home » Business » Mexicali Government Grants Property Tax Incentive Insurance for First 30,000 Home Accounts

Mexicali Government Grants Property Tax Incentive Insurance for First 30,000 Home Accounts

The insurance that the Mexicali government will grant to the first 30,000 home accounts that pay the property tax in January will begin to be valid until February, since this is still in the contracting process and there are not yet that number of accounts that have been credited. that tax, as reported by the Municipal Treasurer, Roger Sosa Alaffita.

He highlighted that this is the first time that the municipal government grants an incentive of this type for the benefit of citizens, which has the objective of encouraging more people to pay the property tax in the first months of the year, but especially in January. .

The official specified that a budget of 3 million pesos has been contemplated for the purchase of said insurance, of which it has not yet been defined which company will be hired.

“We are in the process of contracting the policy, but not yet, we are in the administrative issue, so the validity would be from February 1st onwards, right now we have to wait for the 30 thousand taxpayers to pay their property tax, We identify them and we will register the policy for these beneficiaries in due course,” he stated.

Only during the first hours of January 2, the treasurer reported that a total of 6 thousand accounts had paid the property tax without specifying what type of account it was, whether it was a residential, commercial or industrial account.

The treasurer ruled out that acquiring fire insurance represents a loss for the City Council.

“We made financial runs so as not to lose him and we tried to motivate more taxpayers to pay in the first months of the year,” he stated.

Sosa Alaffita added that in the last cut made by the municipal treasury, a total of 20 thousand accounts have been sent to the Círculo de Crédito, which is one of the two companies authorized in the country to keep the register of individuals or legal entities that They have some type of debt or tax credit with governments, companies and banking institutions. The other is Credit Bureau.

Of the 20 thousand accounts, 14 thousand were indicated for owing property tax for amounts of more than 10 thousand pesos, which together owe 640 million pesos.

The other 6,000 accounts were sent to that list for owing fines for cleaning their properties, which together owe 12 million pesos.

Appearing on the list of these companies can inhibit those people, whether physical or legal, from being granted credit.

2024-01-03 00:35:37
#Fire #insurance #begins #February

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