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Metzervisse. New provisional reception of public finances in town hall

Pending its installation in the future France service structure, created following the closure of the collection, the Departmental Directorate of Public Finances (DGFIP) of Moselle, which is reorganizing its network to provide better local service to citizens and local elected officials of the department , has opened a temporary reception area for the public at Metzervisse town hall, on Mondays from 9 am to 12 noon, by appointment (to be taken provisionally from the SIP in Thionville, tel. 03 82 59 49 70).

“There, it is possible to ask questions or take steps on all the missions of the public finance administration, especially in the tax area, which arouses the most requests from users, explains Etienne Effa. departmental director of public finances of Moselle. Previously, for tax matters, the only point of contact offered to private users was located at the public finance center in Hayange, which continues to welcome users under the usual conditions. “

Public finance invoices

In this weekly permanence, a public finance officer informs users on all types of questions: personal taxes, corporate taxes, withholding tax, donations, property taxes, local public service bills, etc.

For questions that cannot be dealt with by the reception agent, an appointment with the service concerned, by telephone or by videoconference from the local reception, is systematically proposed. This reception area also allows users to familiarize themselves with the procedures online.

The payment of public finance bills (canteen, hospital bills, fines, taxes, etc.) in cash (up to € 300) or by credit card is now possible at authorized tobacconists in Hombourg-Budange (Severini grocery store) , Rurange-lès-Thionville (The express bar), Distroff (Tabac Presse).

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