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Metz. France Musique hands its microphone to the Orchester national de Metz

Florence Alibert admits it: she had no great difficulty convincing France Musique to come on Friday February 12, to record the concert “Douce France” of the Orchester National de Metz, at the Arsenal. “There is in this program the creation of a composer, the Italian Clara Iannota, but also French music with Camille Saint-Saëns, whose centenary of death will be celebrated next year”, confides the general delegate. de la Cité Musicale, happy to have been able to maintain this concert, thanks to this recording, but also to have made work artists like the young conductor Nabil Shehata, born in 1980 in Kuwait of German-Syrian parents and, for the first time, the Munich cellist Daniel Müller-Schott, with the ascending career. The concert should be broadcast on France Musique on March 29 or April 12 at 8 p.m., with a potential of 150,000 listeners.

30,000 views for the New Year’s Concert

“We know that France Musique is an extremely popular radio station for music lovers. For us, it is the possibility of bringing the public back to these recordings. We all gladly embarked on these projects, but they still have to find their audience ”, rcalls Florence Alibert, citing the example of the New Year’s Concert which, thanks to the important communication carried out around its recording, made it possible to reach 30,000 views on YouTube! “ These projects are also an opportunity to publicize the work of regional orchestras, if we want to have another influence, ”she continues.

Launched on February 6 with the broadcast of Pelléas and Mélisande Recorded at the Opéra de Rouen, this initiative, called “Les micros de France Musique in the heart of the French regions”, should continue until June. Several concerts by orchestras from the Grand Est are included in this schedule: February 18 in Nancy with the Orchester de l’Opéra national de Lorraine, April 2 in Besançon with the Victor Hugo Franche-Comté Orchestra and April 5 in Strasbourg with the Philharmonic Orchestra.

“In carrying out our review for 2020 last month with the Board of Directors, we were able to observe one positive thing: it is the acceleration of our audiovisual projects. Until now, we had neither a real strategy nor a network of contacts. Thanks to the Region and to the Drac (Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs), we discovered that there were audiovisual producers in our region. Today, these contacts exist and these developing skills will allow us to be more present in this field. “

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