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Metz. Do you know when Metzanine was inaugurated?

Commercial equipment came out of the ground long before Waves on Actisud and Muse at the Amphitheater. Called Metzanine, it was presented as an innovative concept, ideally located on the ZAC Sébastopol, on the edge of the large roundabout of the southern bypass and not far from the CHR de Mercy.

But by the way, do you know when this retail park of 18 550 m² signed by promoter-designer Bouwfonds MAB Development, opened its doors? We have to go back to August 2007. Precisely the 22nd in the morning. For those who remember, the opening had been synonymous with a rush as unexpected as it was unexpected. So much so that it was difficult to approach the area for several days. Unfortunately, the euphoria will be short-lived.

Two years later, the site was sold to the Parisian group La Salle, which sold it in 2017 to the subsidiary of Marne Finances, Neckerimmag, for the trifle of €24 million.

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Metzanine, whose catchment area was to cover an area from Thionville to Pont-à-Mousson, suffered from other problems: signage and lack of visibility. Of the signs of the beginning, there are hardly any left. With Aldi, Boulanger, Chausséa and Action as the main locomotives, Metzanine will celebrate its fifteenth anniversary this year. To see if the atmosphere will be festive or not.

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