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Metz. Do you know in what year the Amnéville zoo celebrated its 30th anniversary?

Large parades, horse shows, openings at night, medieval stands… The Amnéville zoo had seen the big picture to celebrate its 30 years, from July 18 to 23, 2016.

To pay tribute to the dream come true of Michel Louis, the founder of the park. Three months were needed to prepare the great festive show offered to visitors every day for a week in the aisles of the site. For six days, it was even possible to stay on site until 9 p.m. in order to take full advantage of all the activities.

Animal lovers could thus dine on the spot, but above all enjoy the crepuscular animals, which start to move when the sun goes down, such as raccoons, lynxes or wolves and certain raptors.

A project that dates back to 1978

The idea of ​​a zoological park in Amnéville dates back to 1978. After many steps taken by Michel Louis and Jean-Marc Vichard, work finally started in April 1985 on land in the thermal and tourist center of the town of 10,000 inhabitants , located about twenty kilometers north of Metz.

The place opened its doors on June 28, 1986 on a land of six hectares with 300 animals for 50 species.

Since then, the site has spread over 18 hectares, on which more than 2,000 animals of 360 different species are housed. It offers a visit through different universes:

African plain, Sea lion bay, Amazon jungle, Peruvia bay, The Little farm in the forest, Around the world, Gorilla’s camp, The tropical Vivarium, Orang-outang jungle, Sky predators.

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29,000 euros in costs each day

Each day, the 2,000 residents consume: 600 kg of meat (beef and chicken), 300 kg of fish, 600 defrosted prey (rats, mice, chicks, quails, rabbits), 1 ton of hay and various fodder, 200 kg of cereals, 500 kg of specific seeds and granules, 700 kg of fruits and vegetables, rusks and gingerbread, 100 pieces of salad, milk, eggs, mealworms, jam, honey, etc. Each species receives vitamin and mineral supplements.

At least four times a year, the animals are dewormed and coprological analyzes are carried out. The premises are cleaned daily and regularly disinfected. Each day, winter and summer, the fixed costs amount to 29,000 euros.

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