Home » today » World » Metropolitan Gavriil: We must help so as not to harm – 2024-08-10 03:48:08

Metropolitan Gavriil: We must help so as not to harm – 2024-08-10 03:48:08

/ world today news/ Angel Karadakov’s interview with Metropolitan Gavriil of Lovchan

– Your Eminence, St. The Synod decided to become a mediator between the Macedonian Church and the rest of the Orthodox Churches. How can the decision be interpreted?

– It’s not that we haven’t tried to help the Macedonian Orthodox Church, but we had to respond to the great tension of our society, which happened after the announcement of the MOC’s letter. Before, there was an opinion in our society that the MOC should be helped, but after the public announcement of the letter, this demand somehow became stronger. Many of the people who responded really have a sincere desire to help Macedonia in this way, by taking the Macedonian Orthodox Church out of this schism, out of the isolation it is in. Earlier, when we met with clerics from other Local Orthodox Churches, we tried to raise the issue of removing the schism. There are also things that the Macedonian Church needs to do. Yesterday, however, we made a very official and general decision. For this purpose, we formed a commission to begin diligent work on a solution to the case, for which there will be meetings with the Macedonian Church and the other local Orthodox churches. And all this in order for the Macedonian Orthodox Church to receive autocephaly, to receive a grace ministry, since we know that the schism is a door that closes this possibility and therefore there can be no communion.

– St. The Synod formed a commission headed by Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora. What’s next from here? Will the commission’s meetings be regular? Which Orthodox churches will she turn to first?

– All these things will be decided by the commission itself. It has not met yet, but it will happen as soon as possible. The commission will study in detail the circumstances and problems for solving the issue and will schedule meetings – both with the commission of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, created for the purpose, and with the representatives of the other Local Orthodox Churches. We will try to do our best to convince the leaderships of the other Local Churches to solve the vital issue of our Macedonian Orthodox Church. However, the most important thing is to remove the schism from them.

– After the letter from Metropolitan Naum of Strumica was announced, a major initiative was taken in the media space to target St. Synod in a certain direction. Did they try to apply pressure?

– They tried to exert enormous and unprecedented pressure.

– In your opinion, what is the cause of this?

– Among the people who tried to exert pressure, there are those who deliberately wanted to harm our native Church, which after one non-canonical decision could fall under the schism we have been in for seventy years. But most of the people had a good desire but lacked the necessary competence on how to act at the moment. We are sure that the overwhelming majority of the public is happy about the conclusion of the long-awaited friendship treaty between Bulgaria and Macedonia and, of course, is willing to help the Macedonian Orthodox Church as well. And that’s exactly what we’re trying to do.

– One of the problems facing the Macedonian Orthodox Church is the name they have chosen – Ohrid Archbishopric. According to the Statute of the BOC-BP – Article 1, paragraph 3 – the Bulgarian Church is the legal successor of the Ohrid Archdiocese, therefore the Macedonian Church is not a restored Ohrid Archdiocese to date. Do you think that this problem can be solved and what is the most appropriate thing that would not create an obstacle for violating the Statute of the BOC and the historical reality, and at the same time accepting the canonical Macedonian Church?

– These are questions that the commission will deal with. Naturally, on the one hand, they are ready to declare us the Mother Church if we fulfill their wishes, but on the other hand, in their Statute it is written that the Macedonian Orthodox Church is the legal successor of the Ohrid Archbishopric. In ours, it is written that the BOC is the legal successor, which is a historical truth. It is clear that it is not possible for us, the Mother Church, to be the legal successor and for them to be supposedly our children, but for them to be the legal successor as well. These are precisely the issues that the commission must deal with and hold discussions, so that a future name does not contradict the statutes. There are other problems there, for example, the Greek-speaking churches do not want to recognize the name Macedonian Orthodox Church. The name turns out to be a very serious obstacle. On this issue, we also need to negotiate and see how this case can be resolved, since they have raised it many times as a serious problem. Even Metropolitan Naum of Strumica, when he comes to Lovech, told me that the Ecumenical Patriarch had set the condition for them to change their name, not to call themselves the Macedonian Orthodox Church, but this is generally the opinion of the Greeks and the Greek-speaking churches. You see that things are not at all simple and the best way to solve them must be found. The final goal is extremely important – to receive a grace ministry and to be incorporated into the family of the fraternal Local Orthodox Churches.

– Was there a danger for the Bulgarian Church, if at yesterday’s meeting St. The Synod had decided to accept the autocephaly of the Macedonian Church and enter into Eucharistic communion with it? Was there a real danger for the Bulgarian Church that it would also suffer a schism or be discredited by the other Local Orthodox Churches?

– There was a great danger for the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. A great danger, for it is something to which we have no canonical right. If we had done so, we would have gone against the decision of all Local Orthodox Churches. They have recognized the schism that was imposed by the Serbian Church and they will not admit that we have the right to cancel it. This is clear, and it would be very foolish of us and disastrous if we had made such a fatal mistake. Thank God that according to the words of the Gospel: “where there are two or three gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them”, the Lord advised the Holy Synod of the BOC to make the right decision.

– In some media there have already been comments that with yesterday’s decision actually St. The Synod has decided not to solve the problem with the MOC. Isn’t taking an initiative for cooperation with other Orthodox churches the beginning of solving the problem?

– We have no other way in which we can help the MOC, except this. If we fall under the schism, we will not be able to help them from here on, and they will not be able to help us. Is this what it should be? How to solve it? This is a step towards solving the issue, the other was to close for us the possibility of forever helping the Macedonian Orthodox Church.

– Before the decision of St. Synod, did you consult with metropolitans from the other Local Orthodox Churches from Greece, Serbia, Russia?

– I have spoken with clergymen I know from Greece, Russia and Serbia, and my fellow bishops have also spoken. As we pointed out above, the Greeks have a problem with the name of the church in Macedonia. The Russian Church also wants to help them, but to do it through the Serbian Church and find a way for it to give them autocephaly. The designated commission will make the necessary inquiry, protocols will be drawn up and finally it will become clear what are the things that create a problem for recognition and it will now be possible to proceed with their solution.

– How long will the work of the commission appointed by St. Synod?

– Until the problem is solved. I can’t tell you like time. This process can be solved quickly, but it can also be solved not so quickly. It is up to us to try to mediate, so that the decision rests with all Local Orthodox Churches. The Macedonian people are suffering in the situation they are in. Suffers spiritually. May God grant that soon the Macedonian Orthodox Church will become one of the canonical Local Orthodox Churches and that we will have full communion in Christ.

#Metropolitan #Gavriil #harm

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