Raphaël Sultana and two municipal police officers were allegedly insulted and threatened with death by a man in the market. The chosen one would also have been physically attacked. The case is brought before the Lyon court; this is why the deputy requests functional protection.
Today at 06:00
Mayor Jérémie Bréaud (LR) requested functional protection for his assistant at the fairground markets, Raphaël Sultana, during the municipal council on February 2. In early January, the latter filed a complaint for insult and death threat and then a second complaint for assault, against the same person.
The chosen one would have suffered a punch
The facts date back to Friday, January 6. A man from Saint-Priest reportedly came to the Place de la Liberté market with a cart full of clothes and tried to set up shop without permission. Raphaël Sultana and municipal police officers intervened without a hitch.
The Place de la Liberté market takes place on Monday and Friday mornings. Photo Progress /Laurie ABADIE
Raphaël Sultana ensures the proper application of the new rules he has established on the seven markets of the municipality. Photo Progress /Laurie ABADIE
But on Monday, January 9, the man would have tried his luck again. The deputy and two ASVPs (Public Highway Surveillance Agent) would have explained to him again the prohibition on unpacking without prior request in good and due form. An altercation would have broken out, the San-Priot would have made “threatening remarks towards the three agents, including an ASVP who was injured”, specified the mayor. The deputy and the two police officers immediately filed a complaint for insult and death threat.
Jérémie Bréaud, LR mayor of Bron. Photo Progress /Laurie ABADIE
The next day, January 10, Raphaël Sultana would have crossed the man while he was walking in the shopping mall of Auchan. The San-Priot allegedly insulted him again before punching him in the chest. The elected official filed a complaint for assault.
Hearing postponed to June
The case was presented for immediate appearance on January 12 before the Lyon court. “At first, the perpetrator pleaded guilty, then on the day of the hearing he changed his mind,” traced the mayor. This is why the hearing is adjourned to June 8, 2023.
The support for functional protection, which was granted to Raphaël Sultana, will end once the case has been judged. It covers the costs of the procedure.
As a reminder, functional protection has benefited Mayor Jérémie Bréaud three times since the start of his mandate: for his attack in February 2021, for a defamation trial in 2022 and for acts of harassment, the procedure for which is in progress.
Read also
>> The mayor of Bron seeks functional protection for harassment
Already an altercation on this market in 2021
In his desire to “bring back quality and safety to the markets”, Raphaël Sultana had already experienced an altercation, wanting to enforce the new, stricter rules.
In 2021, the municipal opposition team reported the facts of “a very virulent exchange between the deputy and a representative of the fairgrounds”, on May 14. After what, the opposition had demanded the withdrawal of the delegation from the markets to Raphaël Sultana. A claim that had not found an echo with the mayor.