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Metropolis of Greater Paris. Three female vice-presidents, a “prejudice to representativeness”

On Monday July 20, 2020, the assembly of the Greater Paris Metropolis met to appoint the 20 vice-presidencies. Only three women were elected. Reaction.

Only three women were elected vice-present in the metropolis of Greater Paris. (©Twitter / GrandParisMGP)

This time the session was shorter. Much shorter. It must be said that it was difficult to envisage leaving for a metropolitan council of more than 6 hours, Monday July 20, 2020, two weeks after the incredible re-election Patrick ollier at the head of the Metropolis of Greater Paris. On the day’s program in particular, the election of the 20 vice-presidents.

Read also: Metropolis of Greater Paris: Patrick Ollier remains president after an incredible scenario

No obligation of parity

At the end of the half hour of voting, the conclusion is clear: 17 men are elected against 3 women. This is’Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, Djeneba Keita, deputy mayor of Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) and Antoinette Guhl, councilor for Paris and the 20th arrondissement.

While parity is in politics, the distribution of vice-presidencies raises questions. However, the metropolis is not subject to the obligation of parity, neither in the hemicycle, nor in its governance, its composition being essentially made up of elected mayors and therefore of the vote of the electors. *

“Places where it is not imposed, parity does not exist”

For each vice-presidency, the president in place proposes a single name, submitted by a party, the result of numerous negotiations with the various political groups. However, it is the latter who designate the candidate. In this case, more of a man than a woman.

“The places where it is not imposed, parity does not exist”, regrets Antoinette Guhl. ” The environmentalists, we made it, the communists too, the Socialists in part. But after… ”So, the center and the right did not carry any elected to a vice-presidency. “This raises the question of the representativeness of women and prejudices this representativeness” laments the elected ecologist, while the assembly is made up of only 30% of women among the 209 members.

The delegations to compensate?

Questioned during the session on the subject, Patrick Ollier also blames the political groups: “If the groups making up the metropolis, with the mayors who make up these groups, had proposed women to me, I would have accepted them because , eyes closed, I accepted the groups’ proposals. »So the mayor of Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine) launched an appeal to compensate for the imbalance:

I call the groups, and I know that we are in the process of ensuring that for Les Républicains, because we have already approached a certain number of women to whom we will propose delegations. If all the groups do the same, we can find a spirit of balance in the office.

The month of August should therefore be akin to discussions in this direction before the next meeting, in September, when the subject will inevitably be brought back to the table.

* In detail, Paris has 62 seats, Boulogne-Billancourt and Saint-Denis have 3, Courbevoie, Nanterre, Rueil-Malmaison, Asnières-sur-Seine, Colombes, Argenteuil, Aubervilliers, Aulnay-sous-Bois, Montreuil, Champigny -on-Marne, Saint-Maur des Fossés, Créteil and Vitry-sur-Seine benefit from 2 offices and the 131 other municipalities from a single seat.

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