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Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector, General Fadil Imran, gets a call when Jokowi gives directions, this is the explanation of the building

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin explained the news that the Chief Inspector of Police of Metro Jaya, General Mohammad Fadil Imran received a call when President Jokowi gave directions to the State Palace in central Jakarta on Friday, October 14, 2022. This is a question, because in the letter of invitation guests are asked not to bring cell phones.

Bey explained that at that time Fadil received a call using a cell phone belonging to the Palace protocol.

“So first, Mr. Fadil’s staff have to report something important, then (his staff) call one of the palace protocol staff to speak with Mr. Fadil,” Bey said once confirmed, Sunday, October 16, 2022.

Bey explained that before giving his cell phone to Fadil, the protocol staff had asked permission from the internal staff of the Palace. Since the event had not yet started, Fadil was allowed to answer the call.

“(Receiving the call) not long after, it was also picked up, overturned again. And that’s even when the event started, we won’t allow it. Because there’s something important to report, so yes, let’s allow it.” Bey said.

President Jokowi’s instructions to police officers

In his directive on Friday, President Joko Widodo ordered the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to improve all aspects that reduce the level of trust in the police institution. From lifestyle to police violations.

“This includes, of course, the elimination of online gambling, the elimination of drugs and the elimination of things that are certainly very disturbing and disturbing to the public,” Listyo Sigit said while broadcasting Jokowi’s direction.

The directive was given by Jokowi not only to Listyo, but also to the main officials of the National Police Headquarters, the Kapolda, to the Head of the Resort Police, who were summoned to the State Palace. Jokowi summons senior police officers and cannot bring cell phones, hats and canes.

Ferdy Sambo’s case lowers trust in the police

Listyo said the police were once the law enforcement officers who received the greatest trust because they helped oversee government programs. But then various cases, such as murder cases Brigadier J aka Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat from former Propam division chief Ferdy Sambo has an impact on negative perceptions.

“So now the public’s level of trust in the police is low,” Listyo said.

Additionally, Listyo said that Jokowi ordered the police to be solid as a protector, protector, public servant, responding to what the public complained about. “Quick response, and we did it sense of crisis in the midst of this difficult situation, “said Sigit.

Jokowi, according to Listyo, also asked the National Police to oversee the government’s economic policies at all levels, both at the district, city and provincial levels to address the current global situation.

“How can we control it so that prices can be managed, controlled, we can control the rate of inflation,” Listyo said.

The public confidence index in the police would have dropped since the case of the murder of Brigadier J by Ferdy Sambo cs broke out. The reason was none other than because this case was initially covered up by saying that Joshua died as a result of a shooting with Bharada E aka Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu. Joshua was also accused of molesting Sambo’s wife Putri Candrawati.

Inspector General Fadil Imran was also mentioned in the case Ferdi Sambo this. The reason, his men were involved in the Sambo scenario. The Deputy Director of the Polda Jaya Metro General Criminal Investigation, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian, even had to receive a disrespectful dismissal (PTDH) in this case.

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