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Meteorite Impact in Strasbourg, France: Investigation Underway

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 18:10

Authorities in Strasbourg, France have started an investigation into a possible meteorite impact on a parking lot. No one was injured.

The French fire brigade received reports of smoke development from a parked car this morning. Firefighters found a large hole in the car in the roof of the vehicle said a local fire chief: “On site we saw a relatively large hole with a diameter of approximately 50 centimeters.”

The underside of the Renault Clio and the fuel tank also appeared to be damaged.

Hazelnut size

According to the fire brigade and the police, the hole may have been caused by the impact of a piece of space material. According to local media, no debris was found around the vehicle, but according to the fire brigade this may be because it was a relatively small piece of space debris.

It is also conceivable that the impact was so hard that the meteorite was smashed into pieces. Measurements of radioactive radiation yielded nothing.

However, a piece of gravel-like material was found next to the car, which has now been sent to experts in Paris for further investigation. A local police spokesperson said it was a piece the size of a hazelnut. “It looks like burnt wood and is light,” the police spokesperson said.

2023-11-20 17:10:18
#Investigation #meteorite #impact #parked #car #Strasbourg

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