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Meteo Balkans came out with a forecast for May! For the first time this year … CARDS

Weather forecasters from Meteo Balkans came out with a forecast for May. According to their forecasts, the first serious heat wave will come in the new month.

We send April with warm and pleasant weather, but we welcome the month of May with the first serious heat wave. We expect high temperatures above 23-28 degrees Celsius.

Around the second and fifth of May, temperatures of 30 degrees in some areas are not excluded. The reason is the powerful transfer of hot air mass from North Africa.

Along with high temperatures, the risk of strong thunderstorms increases. Let’s not forget that it is still too early and the forecast will change.
Usually in these processes the air is saturated with fine dust particles coming from the Sahara.

We send April with warm and pleasant weather, but we welcome the month of May with the first more serious heat wave .. We expect high …

Posted by Meteo Balkans on Saturday, 24 April 2021

What will be the weather in days and hours you can see in the section of BLIC, in which we inform you what are the climatic conditions in the country.


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