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Metaverse Survey: “We’re Tracking Development”

What do you think the metaverse means for the industry?
First of all, I am curious whether Metaverse can be implemented or become reality as planned and as I understood it – there still seem to be many unanswered questions. The decisive factor is whether the virtual world is supported by the various stakeholders and accepted by the users. It can work for individual business areas, but when it comes to haptics or personal exchange, I’m skeptical.

What areas of application do you see for yourself or your customers?
It is still too early to judge whether there will be any scope for us at all. But new business models would certainly be necessary. Basically, our Out of Home business thrives on its size, the dynamics of the message in public space, the high level of acceptance and sympathy and unrestricted visibility. Messages cannot be zapped, but communicate directly and reach people. All arguments that speak in favor of analogue and digital posters in public life now and in the future.

Do you plan to become active in the Metaverse within the next year?
No. But we follow the development. –

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