Late last week, Meta announced the Quest 3 virtual reality headset, which will carry over from the Quest 2’s wireless offering. A bunch of new games coming to the virtual reality platform were also shown as part of the show, and now that the show has passed, many have wondered what Meta’s plans were for supporting Quest 2, now that a more powerful successor is on the horizon.
To that end, Meta CTO Andrew “Boz” Bosworth revealed on Twitter that Quest 2 will continue to get “quite a while”support, even with a very real assumption that the more demanding game looks to be Quest 3 only.
“The games we announced at our play showcase will all be playable on Quest 2 and 3, and we expect this will remain the norm for quite some time. Of course, mixed reality and high-power gaming will likely grow over time. Start targeting Quest 3.
As for when Quest 3 will debut, the virtual reality headset is scheduled to launch later this year, with more information planned for another Meta event in late September.