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Metal Gear Solid 3: Remastered – A Multi-Platform Game?

On the latest episode of The Xbox Two, one of the hosts, Jez Corden, said that, according to industry sources, Metal Gear Solid 3: Remastered will not be an exclusive game, but a multi-platform game. He added that it could be a limited-time exclusive game, with a deal with a partner.

The original rumor that Metal Gear Solid 3: Remastered would be a PlayStation exclusive was brought up by The XboxEra Podcast co-host Shpeshal Nick. According to Nick, the game will likely be announced at an upcoming PlayStation event.

However, Nick said his sources weren’t 100 percent sure about the exclusive rumor. Corden also previously confirmed on Twitter that he had received similar exclusive rumors. But according to his recent news, this game may reach a marketing agreement with PlayStation, a limited-time exclusive DLC or a limited-time exclusive on the body.

“Metal Gear Solid 3: Remastered Edition” has become KONAMI’s worst secret game.

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