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Meta tests personalized AI content in Facebook and Instagram feeds


Meta is experimenting with a new feature that feeds tailored AI content into Facebook and Instagram feeds based on user interests and current trends.

According to Meta, AI-generated images adapt to the user’s individual preferences. With a tap on a suggested prompt, the user can steer the content in a new direction. If he continues swiping, the AI ​​creates new content tailored to him in real time.

video-caption">Meta AI demonstrates its image generation capabilities by asking users to imagine themselves as a video game character in space. The resulting image shows a futuristic, detailed interpretation of this idea. | Video: Meta AI

The experiment is part of a series of AI features Meta is rolling out across its platforms, including a voice feature for the Meta AI assistant, the ability to ask questions about and edit photos, and automatic translations of Reels videos.


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The company is betting heavily on expanding its AI capabilities. According to the company’s own information, 400 million people already use Meta-AI every month, and 185 million even use it weekly. By the end of the year, Meta-AI is expected to become the most used AI assistant worldwide.

Preview of the Matrix?

As with all maneuvers that Meta undertakes in its own apps, the company is likely to hope to bind users to its platforms stronger and longer with the personalized AI content in order to ultimately increase advertising revenue.

This reminds me of the scenario from the first Matrix film: Here the people lie like batteries in cells that are connected to the machine and feed their energy into the system. In return, the AI ​​puts images into their brains – the simulated world in which the people in the film move.

Of course, the picture is exaggerated, but it shows the direction in which social media platforms could develop if they use AI to retain and monetize people for as long as possible – without considering the social and psychological consequences.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to use these platforms consciously and decide how much time and attention they want to devote to them. But the platform operators also have a responsibility to set ethical guidelines.


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