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Messi’s message on Instagram by reaching 200 million followers | Video

news news--summary news--video-playing" data-post-id="988077" data-video-id="spanish/2021/05/03/lionel-messi-fc-barcelona-seguidores-instagram-cnn-redaccion-buenos-aires.cnn">

Posted at 15:36 ET (19:36 GMT) Monday, May 3, 2021



news news--summary" data-post-id="988068" data-video-id="spanish/2021/05/03/china-wuhan-festival-musica-masivo-covid-19-cnn-redaccion-buenos-aires.cnn">

Posted at 15:20 ET (19:20 GMT) Monday, May 3, 2021

Wuhan celebrates music festival


news news--summary" data-post-id="988055" data-video-id="spanish/2021/05/03/espacio-astronomia-mayo-calendario-eclipse-lunar-luna-de-sangre-saturno-jupiter-mercurio-venus-marte-tierra-encuentro-guillermo-arduino.cnn">

Posted at 14:50 ET (18:50 GMT) Monday, May 3, 2021

These events will mark the sky of the month of May


news news--summary" data-post-id="988020" data-video-id="spanish/2021/05/03/roma-coliseo-italia-turismo-piso-conservacion-arquitectura-restauracion-cafe-cnn.cnn">

Posted at 13:43 ET (17:43 GMT) Monday, May 3, 2021

Roman Colosseum will have a new floor


news news--summary" data-post-id="987898" data-video-id="spanish/2021/05/03/india-contagios-numero-cifras-dudas-pandemia-covid-19-crisis-cnn-primera.cnn">

Posted at 09:59 ET (13:59 GMT) Monday, May 3, 2021

They fear that the number of infections in India is higher


news news--summary" data-post-id="988005" data-video-id="http://welo-81814">

Posted at 09:18 ET (13:18 GMT) Monday, May 3, 2021

india covid without oxygen vaccinations

news news--summary" data-post-id="987633" data-video-id="spanish/2021/05/02/funerales-israel-estampida-festival-religioso-pkg-jose-levy.cnn">

Posted at 4:40 PM ET (8:40 PM GMT) Sunday, May 2, 2021

They ask to investigate stampede at religious festival in Israel


news news--summary" data-post-id="987314" data-video-id="spanish/2021/04/30/mujeres-arabia-conducir-manal-al-sharif-madres-pkg-miguel-angel-antonanzas.cnn">

Posted at 22:14 ET (02:14 GMT) Friday, April 30, 2021

Defying the Saudi kingdom cost him living away from his son


news news--summary" data-post-id="987208" data-video-id="spanish/2021/04/30/estados-unidos-india-covid-19-record-casos-en-1-mes-perspectivas-buenos-aires.cnn">

Posted at 19:48 ET (23:48 GMT) Friday, April 30, 2021

India: world record of covid-19 cases in one month


news news--summary" data-post-id="987132" data-video-id="spanish/2021/04/30/casa-3d-printed-paises-bajos-slate.cnn">

Posted at 18:05 ET (22:05 GMT) Friday, April 30, 2021

This spectacular house was made using 3D printing


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