Home » today » World » Message from Russia – View Info – 2024-08-03 04:20:01

Message from Russia – View Info – 2024-08-03 04:20:01

/ world today news/ Why did the All-Russian Patriarch Kirill come to Bulgaria? To participate in the celebrations for the 140th anniversary of the Liberation?

This may be the occasion, not the cause. Such a visit, of such rank, at such a time is never protocol. It had a much deeper meaning, which the authorities never figured out. She might have pretended not to understand him because the message could not be to her liking. She preferred the standard clichés about freeways and millions, the blandness of which reflected a lack of interest or intelligence.

Russia’s message was contained in two sentences of Patriarch Kirill. Without Bulgarian Orthodoxy, there would be no Russian Orthodoxy. Through Bulgarian Orthodoxy, the Russian people received the foundations of the Orthodox faith from Bulgaria.”

So much.

Proud and powerful Russia has announced that it has an immeasurable moral debt to Bulgaria. Not only we to it, no, it also has a debt to us. And recognition comes from spiritual authority, from unshakable power.

We are brothers, no doubt, but in this case we are not the younger brother. True, they have grown tremendously, become huge, taken gigantic steps forward, overcome monstrous trials and emerged stronger after each one. But the first sprouts of their power, of their indomitable spirit, of their creative nature, of their moral greatness come from us. A thousand years late, Russia expresses its gratitude. For the first time, the great country accepted that the foundations of its faith, of its spirituality, and therefore of its civilization, were laid thanks to Bulgaria.

This is an unprecedented recognition. The truth was known, but it was concealed. We have felt it, but we could not prove it. They did not announce it. Here she was cremated and buried by the enslavers. With them, it was kept as a state secret by princes, kings and emperors, by Bolsheviks, communists and democrats. So far.

This truth shows why brotherly feeling is unbreakable. It also explains the War of Liberation. Not only compassion for the exterminated Bulgarian people ignited the inexplicable, extraordinary explosion of solidarity, self-sacrifice, unparalleled bravery, thanks to which Freedom comes. The war was a consequence of the sense of duty and gratitude rooted by Orthodoxy in the Russian people. The Russians could not leave in slavery the people who gave them faith.

They will not abandon him now.

That’s the message.

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