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MES: Municipalities need to make sure of students’ technical resources and access to the Internet – in Latvia – News

The Ministry of Education and Science has developed recommendations for educational institutions to organize the study process for obtaining education in full-time form, including organizing studies remotely, in accordance with the educational program implemented by the educational institution, in order to reduce possible risks of Covid-19 infection.

The recommendations should be used together with the methodological recommendations “Guidelines for general and vocational education institutions for the implementation of distance learning in an educational institution” developed by the project “School 2030”, as well as “Recommendations for educational institutions to implement precautionary measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection”.

In essence, the management of the educational institution, in cooperation with the founder, and the council of the educational institution, decides on modifying the organization of the learning process in order to minimize the risks of infection for pupils / students and teachers.

However, the MES has developed recommendations on how to help implement and ensure the precautionary measures specified in the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers.

When organizing training, the Ministry recommends adapting the content of training to the situation, for example, planning in a remote process to a lesser extent than just face-to-face training in the premises of an educational institution.

The Ministry of Education and Science also recommends that schools create a lesson plan for a week, several weeks or a month from the student’s perspective and specifically for the specific situation. It is offered to plan lessons in blocks, as well as to reduce the number of subjects / courses per day by combining them into one study area or

creating modules between fields of study.

The Ministry of Education and Science also invites schools to plan lessons and classes so that teachers work with students of the same class / group as much as possible. If necessary, use appropriate personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of infection.

At the same time, the ministry calls for the student’s study load to be observed. The daily workload of telework cannot exceed 6-8 teaching hours, depending on the age of the student.

The Ministry also offers to organize classes by classes or levels of education so that they are separated, mutually closed, and their composition does not change in the long run. When implementing studies in the premises of an educational institution, the Ministry of Education and Science calls for different start times of studies, and to abandon uniform breaks or breaks in general, organizing dynamic breaks during lessons, ensuring regular ventilation of the premises.

With regard to study tours, the Ministry of Education and Science invites them to plan in cooperation with companies, museums, exhibition organizers and other stakeholders, ensuring that the flow of visitors does not overlap.

The MES recommendations call on schools to respect the pupil’s learning needs, including socio-emotional needs, to provide support and to prevent any form of discrimination or harassment, for example by analyzing home

works, footage and provide feedback to the student in the presence of other students.

Schools are also encouraged to provide support to the pupil according to his current needs. If necessary, promptly seek the help of support staff or any other specialist or service. The Ministry calls on the school to make sure that the student’s technical resources are available and available on the Internet, as well as to look for a solution and ensure a high-quality and efficient learning process, regardless of the student’s resources and technological capabilities.

It has already been reported that from 1 August this year the learning process will be organized in person at the educational institution, but a number of precautionary requirements will have to be met, including streamlining the flow of learners “the government decided.

The Ministry of Education and Science and the State Education Content Center on Tuesday informed that the organization of studies from the next school year is planned in three models. Currently, it is considered that from September 1, studies in all educational institutions in Latvia take place in person and this is model A, if the epidemiological situation is similar to now.

The amendments supported by the government stipulate that even in this case, if necessary, the educational process can be partially implemented remotely, for example, one day a week, to ensure the possibility of distance, such as filling and sharing for control purposes.

The Ministry of Education and Science points out that this condition in general education institutions is applicable only to grades 7-12, taking into account the age of the learner and participation in the self-directed learning process. Accordingly, in vocational education institutions such a solution is possible in all courses and groups.

At the same time, in order to successfully implement the learning process, the head of the educational institution will have to determine the procedures for the organization of teaching and pedagogical work, including the establishment of communication channels with the learners and their parents.

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