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Mes and Rai, Conte’s new lunge on Salvini-Meloni – Politics

Giuseppe Conte goes on. Two days after the head-on collision with the oppositions for his accusations “with names and surnames” on live TV, not only does he not apologize, but he keeps the point, defending with sword he treats his conduct on the merits and in the method. On the merits, with a note from Palazzo Chigi, the premier reminds everyone that by criticizing the positions of Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni on the Mes, “he denied real fake news that risked fueling divisions in the country and damaging it, compromising the” sense of community “, fundamental above all in this phase of emergency”. The defense of the communication line adopted, direct on TV, was also decisive, which had provoked a furious controversy, also calling into question the Rai Supervision and the top of Viale Mazzini. A few hours after the press conference at Palazzo Chigi, a strong rise in shields had been recorded by the members of the center-right in the Commission, so much so that its President, Alberto Barachini sent a letter to Rai asking for equal space for opposition leaders and the request for Tuesday of the convening of an ad hoc Bureau. Conte also has some for them, making it clear from the Palazzo Chigi press office that nobody “has ever asked for unified networks”. “The decision will be up to – as it always has been – always and only to the managers of the individual newspapers”, underlines the government.

Still in the context of the controversy over the alleged personalistic use of the media, the premier, implicitly but clearly, also reacts to Enrico Mentana’s criticisms. The director of the Tg de La7, hot, had in fact claimed that he would not have fully transmitted the press conference if he had known before the accusations against the leaders of the League and of FdI. “The heads of the newspapers – is the reply of Palazzo Chigi – are free to support the singular opinion that the Prime Minister should not deny fake news and slanders during a press conference addressed to the country, nor should he speak about a topic relevant and of general interest such as Mes “.

In short, a full-blown revival of the hard line, against which Giorgia Meloni replies very hard, almost surprised that Palazzo Chigi returned to this theme after 48 hours. “Conte knows very well that using a press conference to announce the extension of the lockdown to attack the opposition is an act of institutional bullying.” “This attempt to maintain a constant brawl is an irresponsible game to which – stresses the President of Fratelli d’Italia – we do not lend ourselves”. The Lega also said that the government is also “obsessed” in Pasquetta, in attacking “opposition and journalists”. “The Italians – is the thesis of Salvini’s party – would like the same commitment in providing at least one protective mask to every citizen, instead of chatter”. The next round is on the scene tomorrow when the Bureau of Supervision meets at 4pm. Oppositions already announce a battle also against President Barachini.

Conte, however, could decide to postpone new ‘lunges’ at the time of his communications to the Chambers, before the European Council of 23, where the majority will have to seek, among other things, an agreement on a shared resolution also on the Mes. This is not a simple thing since tensions are still registered today, especially between Iv and Pd.

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