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Merkel’s successor threatens Russia with SP-2 punishment

Merkel and Laschet

This will prevent Moscow from using the pipeline as a geopolitical weapon against Ukraine, he said.

Candidate for Chancellor of Germany from the conservative bloc CDU / CSU Armin Lašet threatens Russia with sanctions if it uses the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline to put pressure on Ukraine.

“If Russia again behaves aggressively in Ukraine, Germany will take measures at the national level and initiate sanctions at the European Union level,” the German politician said in an interview with the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita, published on Saturday, July 31.

In his opinion, this will prevent Russia from using the pipeline as a geopolitical weapon.

“The German-American agreement gives us a tool with which we can jointly hold Russia accountable for destructive actions,” Laschet is convinced, quoted by the Reuters news agency.

According to him, loyalty to the sovereignty and security of Ukraine should be a priority of German foreign policy.

“It is also important to make Russia understand that we do not accept violation of international law, attacks by hybrid means on Western democracies or violation of fundamental human and civil rights on our territory,” the politician said.

German-US agreement on Russian gas pipeline

On July 21, the United States and Germany reached Nord Stream 2 agreements… It stipulates that Washington abandons its intentions to impose sanctions on the project participants, but the possibility of EU sanctions for Moscow remains if Russia uses the gas pipeline as an instrument of energy pressure.

The agreement also states the intention to preserve gas transit through Ukraine. Germany promises to use all leverage to persuade Russia to renew the agreement on gas transit through Ukraine, which is due to end at the end of 2024.

Source: DW Ukraine

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