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Merkel, Scholz and country heads will discuss the corona crisis on Tuesday

The heads of government of the federal states want to discuss tougher measures in the corona pandemic with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and her designated successor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on Tuesday. The ARD capital city studio found out.

According to information from the AFP news agency, the agreed meeting is an additional voting round. The Prime Minister’s Conference is currently planned for December 9th.

One of the topics of the round on Tuesday is therefore the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Corona measures expected for Tuesday. The court wants to publish a decision on the so-called federal emergency brake on the main issue for the first time. The Karlsruhe judges want to clarify whether and to what extent the legislature may oblige the population to restrict the contact and exit (AZ: 1 BvR 781/21 and others) and cause schools to be closed in order to contain the corona pandemic.

The planned traffic light coalition recently said that the Karlsruhe decisions should be awaited before a possible tightening of the Corona course.

As the “Welt” reports, the conference call scheduled for 1 p.m. at the level of the heads of government is also intended as advice for the planned federal-state crisis team on the corona pandemic. “Further measures” are also being discussed to curb the rapid increase in the number of infections and to counteract the overloading of the health system.

The pressure to act is growing due to the constantly growing number of infections and the new Omikron variant.

The so-called “Fourth Civil Protection Act”, which came into force on April 23, 2021 and expired at the end of June 2021, was intended to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. For example, nocturnal exit restrictions, contact restrictions in private households or school lessons from home were set with an incidence of over 165 on three consecutive days.

Many citizens saw this as an inadmissible interference with their fundamental rights. By the end of July, 8,572 people had turned to the Federal Constitutional Court on 281 constitutional complaints and other urgent motions. On May 31, 2021, the constitutional judges initially rejected numerous applications to stop the federal emergency brake (AZ: 1 BvR 794/21). Whether the law is unconstitutional can only be clarified in the main proceedings. The restrictions served to protect the health of the population and thus a “legitimate purpose”.

Broadcast: Inforadio, 11/29/2021, 2:40 p.m.

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