Home » today » World » Merkel makes nationwide decision – ban on contacts instead of curfew – only Bavaria does not follow

Merkel makes nationwide decision – ban on contacts instead of curfew – only Bavaria does not follow

The corona crisis is completely changing public life in Germany. Is there even a curfew – as in Italy, Spain and France?

Update March 22nd, 7.10pm: The ban on contact in Detschland has been resolved since Sunday evening. After this Armin Laschet already an hour before Chancellor had announced the innovations for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia Angela Merkel the nationwide rules. With the help of compliance with the new regulations Spread of the Corona Virus * to be slowed down.

Contact ban instead of curfew: Merkel explains details of the new rule

An extensive one was agreed No contactthat prohibits gatherings of more than two people. This does not apply to core families, life partners, some professions as well as public transport and funerals. Thus, too against who discussed a lot Curfew decided.

At her press conference, the Chancellor decided to go the route and was impressed by the majority of the citizens who understood that it was now important to them. Merkel is aware of the sacrifices that everyone has to make. “We have to do everything to get one uncontrolled increase of case numbers too prevent and our health care system powerful to hold, “she explained the seriousness of the situation.

According to the new decision, citizens are encouraged to keep at least a minimum distance in public 1.5 meters to adhere to. This excludes the way to work, emergency care, important purchases, visits to the doctor, participation in meetings, required appointments and exams. Also help for others, sports such as jogging and individual exercise in the fresh air.

Contact ban instead of curfew: Merkel decides on nationwide regulations – Bavaria is opposed

Staying in public space is only alone as well as “with another person who does not live in the household or with members of your own household”. Groups of people celebrating in public places, but also in apartments and private institutions are, according to the Chancellor unacceptable. “Violations of the contact restrictions are said to be monitored by law enforcement agencies and the police and in the event of violations sanctioned become.”

Gastronomic Companies of all kinds are now in accordance with the decision nationwide close. The delivery and collection of take-away food for consumption at home remains permitted. In addition, hairdressers, cosmetic studios, massage practices, tattoo studios and similar service providers for personal care need to physical closeness conclude. The Chancellor appealed to the population to continue to take the situation seriously and to participate. “Please bring everyone along,” said Merkel. “Show it reason and heart. “

The Free State of Bavaria
* remains the only state that has the new regulation Not will implement, as the German press agency learned from the Bavarian State Chancellery. In the state, the rules that were pronounced by Markus Söder on Friday continue to exist.

Curfews across Germany? Merkel makes decision – ban on contact decided

Update March 22, 3:54 p.m .: In the fight against that Corona virus the federal and state governments have apparently agreed on a conference call between Angela Merkel and the state premiers No contact agreed. That reports the dpa. Accordingly, gatherings of more than two people should be prohibited. Families and people living in a household should be excluded. Here you find all information.

Corona curfew in Germany: what would be the effects?

Update March 22, 11:03 a.m .: Comes in whole Germany a Curfew? Chancellor Merkel advises on Sunday from 2 p.m. with the Prime Ministers of the federal states about it after Italy* and Spain had already adopted such a measure. Also Bavaria* has decided extensive exit restrictions. However, the effects of such a measure can only be read late from the infected numbers.

“The time from infection to onset was between five days and two weeks. However, simulations and epidemiological models suggested that the Effects of the school and shop closures take effect after three weeks at the earliest“, explained Chief physician Clemens Wendtner from the Clinic for Infectious Diseases* in the Munich Clinic Schwabing. An end to the crisis is hardly in sight. However, he believes that a period of several months until late summer is realistic.

Corona virus in Germany: doctors are preparing – “wave is already starting to swell”

Nevertheless, the infectious disease specialist remains confident that the German healthcare system can cope with the crisis. “We do everything so that we do not get conditions in Germany as we see them now in Italy. We have a certain time advantage over our Italian colleagues. ”

It is about two weeks, which would now be used to define pandemic zones and to upgrade equipment and personnel. Because the number of patients is increasing. “The wave is already swabbing,” said Wendtner. “We are preparing for this scenario.”

About 80 to 85 percent of patients would have mild illnesses or even almost no symptoms; they would be healthy at home. Of the remaining two thirds could be cared for at the infection station. The rest – about five percent of all patients – would need intensive care.

Curfews possible across Germany: Merkel advises – day of decision?

Update March 22, 7:12 a.m .: Angela Merkel’s conference call with the prime ministers of the individual federal states begins on Sunday at 2 p.m. In the course of this it should be decided whether and which uniform measures are to be taken in Germany to further curb the rapid spread of the coronavirus. So far, different regulations have applied in all 16 federal states. Bavaria, Baden-Würtemberg and Saarland have so far advanced with their own measures – and thus also met with criticism. Angela Merkel herself is not considered to be in favor of a curfew, which she tries to prevent by all means and by appealing to the common sense of the people.

Curfews in Germany: SPD chairman wants unity during corona crisis

SPD chairman Norbert Walter-Borjans also demands a sense of proportion with regard to the exit restrictions, but wants uniform rules and an end to the patchwork of regulations.

“It remains: We have to extend the spread of the pandemic as far as possible so that there is sufficient treatment capacity available at all times,” said Walter-Borjans of the dpa. “With all understanding of different problems from region to region, it would still make more sense to coordinate measures across borders than to give the public the impression that different rules apply in each country.”

Update from March 21, 10:45 p.m .:
A curfew across Germany? These two federal states have taken the strictest measures so far:

BAVARIA: Since midnight, Friday to Saturday, far-reaching apply throughout the Free State Exit restrictions, with the help of which the spread of the Corona virus to be contained. Leaving your own home is only allowed for good reasons, such as going to work and making the necessary purchases, urgent visits to the doctor, but also sports and walks in the fresh air – but usually on your own.

All types of catering establishments must remain closed. Delivery services, take-away offers and drive-in counters are an exception.

A curfew across Germany? Strict measures in BaWü

BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG: Since midnight, Friday to Saturday, crowds of people in public places with more than three people are no longer allowed. There are exceptions for families and couples.

Freiburg: Three police officers walk through the city center with a homeless person. The city of Freiburg has issued a so-called entry ban for public places until April 3 because of the corona pandemic.

© picture alliance / dpa / Patrick Seeger

Restaurants and restaurants are closed to guests. Take away food is still allowed. According to Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU), violations of the new ban on establishment, for example, can be punished with fines of up to EUR 25,000 and even prison terms of several years.

Curfew? Now also exit restrictions in Saarland

Update from March 20, 6:32 p.m .: After Bavaria that too Saarland exit restrictions in the fight against Coronavirus pandemic disposes. From Saturday midnight you can only leave your own apartment if you have good reason to do so, announced Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) on Friday in Saarbrücken.

This included the way to work, necessary shopping or visits to the doctor. “It is still possible to go for walks with the family, for example, at a distance from others. Nobody is locked up, ”he said. In addition, the restaurants in Saarland would be closed to guests. The delivery of food would still be allowed.

Corona in Munich: The fire service uses announcements to alert the population to the exit restriction

Update from March 20, 2:46 p.m .: Meanwhile, one is circulating in the messenger service Whatsapp Hoax over a Alleged curfew in Berlin. An apparently fake photo of the website of the State Office for Health and Social Affairs is being distributed, on which a ban on entering public places is announced from Monday. “This is indeed a hoax,” the office wrote on Friday Twitter.

The authority called on the dissemination of information that the Fake screenshot is. So far there has been no curfew in Berlin because of the Spread of the corona virus* imposed.

Update from March 20, 1:43 p.m .: The Saarland wants to close restaurants and one in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus Exit restriction enact.

That will Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) propose to the cabinet for a decision on Friday, said the State Chancellery in Saarbrücken.

Corona crisis: exit restrictions in Bavaria

Update from March 20, 12.40 p.m .: Has been used to contain the coronavirus Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) “Basic exit restrictions” announced for the entire Free State. Söder announced on Friday. “We are almost completely shutting down public life,” said the head of government.

Söder imposes exit restrictions in Bavaria: “It is about protecting all of us”

Leaving your own home is from Saturday only allowed if there are valid reasons. These include the way to work, necessary shopping, visits to the doctor and pharmacy, help for others, visits from life partners, but also sports and exercise in the fresh air – but only on their own or with the people you live with. “We don’t want to duck away. We want to get through this crisis with you now, ”said Bavaria’s Prime Minister Söder at the press conference regarding the Corona crisis.

The decisions are not taken lightly. “It’s about protecting all of us,” says Söder. It is a character test for everyone. “The faster we take the measures and everyone joins in, the more likely it is that things will not be the same as in China and elsewhere.”

Update from March 20, 11:51 a.m .: Now has tooVirologist Alexander Kekulé to speak on the much discussed topic “curfews”. Via Twitter he said to himself against the measure: “A nationwide curfew would be epidemiologically unfounded, economically disastrous and a social catastrophe. ”There are less drastic but equally effective means, Kekulé added.

Update from March 20, 9.49 a.m .: After Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, had threatened with a curfew on Thursday, the Interior Minister of Baden-Württemberg Thomas Strobl was now threatening with curfews.

Meanwhile said Karl Lauterbach (SPD) in the interview ntv: “I am afraid that we will not be able to get past a curfew.” From a medical point of view, it makes the most sense, Lauterbach continues. The current figures would also show that Germany needs very drastic containment of the virus.

First major city imposes curfew – Merkel confidant: “Saturday will be decisive for Germany”

Update from March 20, 8:41 a.m .: Is the curfew coming for all of Germany or not? After the first big city on Thursday Curfew had ordered, it now seems clear when the final decision for all of Germany could fall.

Like Chancellor’s Office Helge Braun explained to the mirror Saturday be the crucial day for deciding on a curfew across Germany. “We will look at the behavior of the population this weekend,” explains Braun. “Saturday is a crucial day, which we have a particular eye on.” Chancellor Merkel will then hold a conference call with the Prime Minister on Sunday evening.

Rita Soostmeyer and Oliver Behring, who run the Hotel Ribecca in Leeste, have been experiencing what a curfew feels like for several days.Both have been living in Mallorca for a year and a half, as reported by Kreiszeitung.de *.

First major city imposes a curfew on Corona: information about consultations with Merkel about nationwide ban leaked

Update from March 19, 9:39 p.m .:
Freiburg enacts because of Corona pandemic a restricted Curfew. The city itself spoke of a ban on entering public places, which is to apply from March 21 to April 3. With this drastic measure, the spread of the Corona virus be contained, the city said on Thursday evening. The reason for this is the dramatic location of the neighboring French region of Grand-Est, which also includes Alsace.

According to the city, the entry ban means that public places may no longer be entered. The house or apartment should only be left for urgent matters. If you want to be outdoors, you should only do it alone, in pairs or with people who live in your own household. A minimum distance of 1.50 meters must be kept from all other people. But you can still go to work or the doctor and buy groceries. The current restrictions would initially apply for two weeks.

“We are aware that this serious decision will have significant restrictions on the life of Freiburg citizens,” said Mayor Martin Horn. “But as things stand today, protecting the population must take precedence over all other considerations.”

Corona curfew in Germany? Information about consultations leaked with Merkel – Freiburg presents

9.10 p.m .: in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany there are currently no formal legal ones Curfew. Nevertheless, police units solve the fight against corona Crowds of people on – for example in the English Garden in Munich.

The officials rely on that Infection Protection Act – read what this means here*.

Curfew in Germany? BW Prime Minister Kretschmann warns

9.03pm: The Prime Ministers of the federal states according to the head of government of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) on Sunday with the Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) advise on whether to take measures against the rapid spread of the Corona virus have to tighten again – up to a general one Curfew.

At the conference call, “we will discuss whether the measures will work, that is, whether the people will stick to them, and the way forward will depend crucially on all of us,” Kretschmann said Thursday SWR.

It depends on the population whether stricter measures like one Curfew should be taken, Kretschmann warned. “We cannot say today whether we have to do this,” he continued, adding: “But one thing is certain, if the population does not adhere to these measures, it will be pretty certain.”

The crisis can only be “slowed down” if “everyone holds together” and “abides by the rules,” said the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg. Among other things, that means “none Corona Parties “of how they were still organized by young people, but also “no chats on the weekly market for pensioners”, which he had also been told about.

Everyone would now have to “seriously adhere to the requirements”, otherwise the regulations would become stricter, warned Kretschmann. “Then there is no way around it.”

Merkel had called on citizens in a television speech on Wednesday to comply with the requirements to combat the novel Corona virus to keep. It was “existential” to shut down public life as much as possible.

Corona curfew in Germany? Information leaked to consultations with Merkel

7:08 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Prime Ministers of the countries want to discuss curfews in the corona crisis after a media report this Sunday. The SWR reported this on Thursday, citing Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens). Several heads of government had threatened curfews on Thursday. “It depends on the population whether we need to take stricter measures,” Kretschmann told the SWR. The background is that many Germans do not respond to calls to keep their distance from others.

Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann no longer rules out stricter measures

Update from March 19, 4.20 p.m .: Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) also no longer ruled out stricter measures. “If not everyone changes their behavior fundamentally, then we cannot avoid tougher measures and sanctions,” he warned in a special session of the Stuttgart state parliament. It cannot be that young people are now running to corona parties, says Kretschmann.

The Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) called for a “quick and hard curfew” if citizens continue to fail to comply with the corona crisis. “The situation is serious – everyone has to limit their lives,” Hans told the newspapers of the Funke media group.

Update from March 19, 12.50 p.m .: The corona virus continues to spread rapidly in Germany. That Block exit yesterday in Upper Franconia was an option in Germany. In Mitterteich was due to the high number of infected imposed a curfew.

Since Thursday there is also one Curfew in two Upper Franconian municipalities in the Landkreis Wunsiedel. “The number of cases there has increased remarkably quickly and sharply,” said a spokeswoman for the district office in Wunsiedel on Thursday. It was a precaution.

Corona crisis in Germany: Markus Söder with clear words regarding curfews

The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder had an interview with the ARD daily topics stresses that there will be no formal curfew. In his government declaration in the state parliament, however, he found clear words and. In an appeal he said: “When there are many Don’t voluntarily restrict people, then in the end only the Bavarian curfew as the only instrumentto respond to it. Everyone has to be clear about that, ”he says.

First report from March 19, 11.09 a.m .: curfew is also an option in Germany: what that would mean exactly

Munich – Italy, France, Spain and Belgium – all of them have now imposed them: the Curfew. In the Corona crisis In particular, this means is intended to help the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic contain.

Corona crisis in Germany: Bavaria has declared a disaster

For many citizens, it can not only be observed on social media, the term curfew alone means uncertainty. State of emergency in Germany because of Corona after Bavaria has already declared the disaster?

“A formal Curfew there won’t be, but everyone should think again about what makes sense. Care is important, of course, but we must do everything we can to prevent the bad outbreak. Nobody can give a guarantee that it will work, but it is the only effective measure, ”said the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder in an interview with the ARD daily topics with the note “that this can change day by day”.

On Wednesday evening (March 18th, 2020) Angela Merkel wants to address the citizens in a TV address and ask them to participate in the measures.

“There is no curfew per se in Germany”

But what would one Curfew mean for the Germans? And what are the legal and political hurdles?

“A Curfew in itself there is in Germany Not. In my opinion, there is no legal regulation for this, ”explains a high-ranking lawyer in an interview with the Ippen Digital Central Editorial Office: “Should it be in Germany come as far – as now in France – then the federal government could / would have to enact a corresponding law. Or a regulation that should also be sufficient. “

Video: Police control dissolves party groups in Munich

Corona virus in Germany: There is no law for a curfew

Specifically, this means that the Bundestag and Bundesrat would have to pass a corresponding law in the urgent procedure in which one Curfew would be regulated and defined in detail.

That is during the Corona pandemic* Admittedly difficult because there is a ban on meetings of over 100 people everywhere in the Federal Republic.

Corona crisis: vote

Because of the corona crisis: an empty subway in Munich.

© picture alliance / dpa / Matthias Balk

How heidelberg24.de* writes, there is at least one so-called No exit, also no exit called. This prohibition stipulates that citizens should no longer be allowed to leave their house or apartment.

Which legal extreme scenarios exist without formal legal ones Curfew yet? Paragraph 35 of the Basic Law, the German constitution, regulates the “maintenance or restoration of public security or order” in the event of natural disasters and particularly serious accidents.

Corona curfew: Bundeswehr in German cities?

The paragraph states, among other things, that in addition to the state police, the federal police and the armed forces can be used domestically – since the horrors of the Third Reich, the latter scenario is in Germany particularly delicate.

Not intended for domestic use (actually): the German Bundeswehr.

© picture alliance / dpa / Marcel Kusch

“If the natural disaster or the accident threatens the area of ​​more than one country, the Federal Government (…) can use units of the Federal Border Guard and the armed forces to support the police forces”, it says in paragraph 3, paragraph 35.

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The corona crisis presents Germany with legal challenges

In France and Belgium The military has been helping to fight and counter terrorism in cities for years, Spain has in the Corona crisis just mobilized 11,000 soldiers to support the emergency services. For the Germans, army vehicles in their streets would be a completely new picture.

But whether this with a Curfew would go hand in hand with legal and legal clarifications. Like so much in times of Corona virus.

Whatsapp fakenews and chain letters are a major problem during the Corona crisis. Now the company is taking action against the misinformation.


Angela Merkel quarantines herself. The Chancellor had contact with a doctor who had tested positive.

* heidelberg24.de and merkur.de are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Markus Schreiber

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